Why Is Hydration So Important?

Remember that the proper functioning of your entire body depends on proper hydration. When you make drinking water and other fluids a regular habit, your body will thank you.
Why is hydration so important?

“I forgot to drink water.”, “I’m not thirsty.”, “I don’t like the taste of water.” or “No thanks, I prefer soda.” If you’ve said any of the above phrases more than once, today’s article is for you. We’ll let you know why hydration is so important.

As you probably learned in elementary school, 60% of your body is made up of water. That’s why hydration is so important to keep your health in good shape.

Drinking water is vital for every living thing. The fluids you lose need to be replaced in order for your body to function properly and prevent any health problems. Let’s see why.

Reasons why hydration is so important

Your body loses moisture every day through sweat, urine and other bodily functions. If you exercise regularly or especially in hot weather, you should take special precautions. Today we want to share with you seven of the benefits of proper hydration.

1. It improves brain function

Brain in two hands

Drinking plenty of water allows your brain to work faster, sharpens your memory and improves your mood.

On the other hand, dehydration reduces, among other things:

  • the cognitive ability
  • attention
  • the memory
  • the ability to concentrate

If you want to improve your overall performance, avoid headaches and improve your skills, you need to keep your body hydrated. You will be more mentally alert if you drink a lot of water.

2. It restores important chemicals in your body

When you sweat, especially during exercise, your body loses magnesium, potassium and sodium. If you don’t replenish those lost minerals, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • fatigue
  • muscle weakness
  • cramps
  • spasm

Remember that water carries nutrients and chemicals through your organs, tissues and other body systems. If you’re not properly hydrated, how can you distribute those supplies your body needs?

3. It cleans your arteries

When it comes to health problems, it is better not to take any risks. Drinking enough fluids can keep your blood pressure at healthy levels and improve the elimination of waste from your cells.

Dehydration, on the other hand, causes low blood pressure and a rise in your heart rate. To avoid these problems, remember to stay well hydrated.

4. It regulates your body temperature

The body is very smart. When it gets hot, water plays a fundamental role in the form of sweat to regulate the temperature itself. To compensate for that rise in temperature, your sweat glands secrete a fluid that flows to the surface of the skin. Not drinking enough water can negatively affect your performance.

5. It Helps Eliminate Toxins

Hydration is also so important to eliminate impurities and other substances that your body no longer needs. It also keeps your liver and kidneys in good shape. These organs are responsible for removing toxic substances.

Detoxing in this way is so important in Japan that water fasting is very common there. It is known for providing a wide range of benefits.

6. It improves kidney function

Drinking enough water helps your kidneys work properly. Proper hydration allows you to eliminate waste through the urine, which can help prevent ailments such as kidney stones.

If your kidneys aren’t working properly, calcium, for example, won’t attach properly to your bones. Some of the possible consequences of this include:

  • greater risk of anemia and heart attacks.
  • too much acid in the blood stream.
  • in women, irregular periods.

7. It promotes digestion and bowel movements

If you suffer from constipation, drink more fluids ! Poor hydration slows down digestion. As a result, it takes longer to clear solids through the intestinal tract.

Constipation occurs when solid waste does not move through the colon quickly enough. Stools can become hard and difficult to pass during a bowel movement. Avoid this problem by drinking more water.

How do you know if you are suffering from dehydration?

You now know why hydration is so important. We also want you to learn to recognize the signs of dehydration. If you’re not getting enough water, your body will let you know through various symptoms. These include:

  • excessive dryness or a dry feeling in the mouth
  • little urination, or urine with a dark color
  • headache and dizziness
  • dry skin that is not elastic
  • drowsiness or severe fatigue
  • lack of tear fluid
  • Overheating
  • constipation

Important Recommendations

Cucumber water in a jar

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to your daily fluid intake, such as the following:

  • Avoid extremes. Six to eight glasses of water a day is sufficient for the proper functioning of your body. Drinking too much can cause other problems.
  • Follow a schedule. If you find it difficult to remember to drink water, you can set a reminder on your phone and record how much you drink. There are also special apps for this purpose.
  • Always take water with you. Make a water bottle your faithful companion. Get used to always carrying at least one liter of water with you so you can drink it throughout the day.
  • Use natural flavors. If you don’t like the taste of water, you can add a slice of lemon, or for example mint or cucumber. There are many ingredients that you can use to enhance the taste.
  • Drink water when you exercise. If you exercise a lot, you should drink before, during and after every session. Don’t drink too much of course!

Remember that the proper functioning of  your entire body depends on proper hydration. If you make it a habit to drink water and other beverages regularly, your body will thank you.

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