What Is Water Kefir? Benefits, Usage And A Recipe

Water kefir is a fermented drink that can help protect your body. Don’t miss this step-by-step recipe!
What is water kefir?  Benefits, use and a recipe

In recent years, a healthy and balanced diet has become more important for many people. It is no longer strange to hear people talking about food or being careful about what they eat. We’ve even added a new set of words so we can talk about it. Maybe you’ve heard someone talk about water kefir?

In this article we will therefore tell you everything you need to know about water kefir, from its use and benefits to how to prepare it at home. Do not miss it!

What is water kefir?

What is water kefir

It is a drink fermented by microbial cultures of the same name, also known as SCOBY ( symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts).

That is, a colony of milk and vinegar bacteria, yeasts and microorganisms works symbiotically in milk or water, depending on whether you want to make milk kefir or water kefir, to get a fermented drink.

In order for the kefir to ferment the water, you need to dissolve some nutrients in it which then turn it into an optimal environment for the development of your microbial culture. We’ll talk about that further when we show you how to prepare this drink at home.

Benefits and use of water kefir

You are probably wondering why it is good to drink water kefir. Well, we are about to share with you the main benefits and applications:

1. Probiotic

Benefits of kefir for your intestines

Like milk kefir and yogurt, water kefir contains live micro-organisms that improve metabolic functions and help combat slow digestion. Since it is a fermented product, it is full of microorganisms that are beneficial to your microbiome.

2. Improves your gut flora

By increasing the number of lactic acid bacteria in your gut, you improve your gut flora and thereby help your body eliminate pathogens. This allows you to enjoy better intestinal health.

3. Antibacterial Properties

Some research indicates that kefir’s probiotics, including Lactobacillus kefiri , can inhibit the growth of several bacteria in the body, such as Salmonella , E. coli, and Helicobacter pylori . On the other hand, the carbohydrate ‘kefiran’ of kefir also has antibacterial properties.

4. It Could Lower Your Cholesterol


However, there aren’t many studies on it right now, but some data indicates that this drink can help improve or control the levels of bad cholesterol in your body.

5. Rehydration

Water kefir is an isotonic drink, which means it’s also perfect for hydrating you. In addition, since it is low in calories, it can be included in your weight loss plans.

Recipe for water kefir

Recipe for water kefir

Kefir grains have a soft and gelatinous texture and they resemble a type of cauliflower. Milk kefir grains are whitish while water kefir grains are transparent. It is important to know the difference in order to be able to use the correct culture to ferment the desired drink. Let’s see how to prepare this fermented drink:


  • 1 liter of mineral water
  • 3 tablespoons whole cane sugar
  • 1/2 lemon (optional)
  • 3 heaped tablespoons of water kefir grains


  • A large glass container, with a wide mouth and a plastic or glass lid (not metal)
  • A wooden spoon


  1. First of all, pour the water into the glass container.
  2. Then add the kefir grains, sugar and, if you want to add a little taste, the juice of half a lemon.
  3. Then stir it well with the wooden spoon. You can also close the container and shake it.
  4. Then let the mixture stand at room temperature (between 15-30 C) for two or three days. During the fermentation process, the kefir grains will absorb the sugar and create organic acids, causing the water to ferment.
  5. Finally, enjoy your drink and its benefits!

General information about water kefir

  • Properly preserved, the fermented drink can retain its nutritional properties for up to a year.
  • Once opened, you should keep it in the fridge.
  • Since it contains no dairy, it is perfect for those with lactose intolerance and food allergies.

As you have read, it is very easy to make water kefir. Why not try making it yourself and taking advantage of the nutrients? Consult a doctor for more information about kefir and its health benefits.

In addition, we always recommend talking to your doctor to find out if he or she recommends kefir, in case you have any allergies or health issues that could cause you further problems.

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