What Is The Easiest And Healthiest Breakfast?

Breakfast should contain about 20-25% of your daily calorie intake to give your body the energy it needs to start the morning.
What is the easiest and healthiest breakfast?

Do you know the importance of a healthy breakfast? Do you also know what the healthiest breakfast looks like?

Starting the day with enough vitamins and nutrients is essential for maintaining a healthy mood and energy levels.

Breakfast is therefore the most important meal of the day because it contains the first nutrients that the body receives after several hours of fasting while you sleep.

However, activities in the morning or night shifts sometimes cause this important meal to be postponed or skipped.

That’s why we’re going to tell you how to make this moment the best experience of the day with practical and healthy advice that will help you make the most of the time while increasing your body’s energy levels.

Firstly, you should know that dairy products, fruits and grains are part of the foods that should not be missing in a healthy and balanced diet. You can add savory meat products (such as ham) and sweeteners in small amounts.

The key is to make the right combination of these elements, tailored to your taste and what you have at home. So check out the following suggestions and choose your perfect and healthiest breakfast!

Our suggestions for the healthiest breakfast

fruit cancer

  • Dairy: 1 serving, which can be in the form of liquid milk or powdered milk, yogurt or cowmis.
  • Cheese or cheese substitute: 2 servings, which can be one thin slice of cheese, 1 egg, 1 slice of ham, or 1 sausage.
  • Flour or grains: 1 serving. Good options include corn tortilla, bread, toast, crackers, or oatmeal.
  • Drinks: 1 glass. You can choose between one glass of orange juice or your favorite fruit drink and one hot drink.
  • Fruits: 1 serving.

Whatever you choose, we recommend that you avoid foods that are high in fat or fried foods.

So if you’re looking for something a little easier, keep the following combinations in mind.

Oatmeal with milk 

If you don’t have much time and oatmeal is one of your favorite foods, this is an excellent option. Remember that there are different types of oatmeal available in stores. Some are more healthy and contain less sugar and more fiber, while others contain high amounts of sugar.

Whichever you choose, balancing your calorie intake is important. You can also use skim milk and fruit (as a sweetener for low-sugar oatmeal).

Fruit Salad

You can combine small amounts of fruits, such as mango, papaya, strawberry and banana. Keep in mind that this option is easy to digest and is a good option if you generally don’t need a lot of physical energy to perform your daily activities.


All you need is toast (2 slices), luncheon meat or ham (1 portion) and cheese (1 slice). If you like you can also add jam and/or (a little) butter and also a drink, such as a juice or coffee.


Breakfast should contain about 20-25% of your daily calorie intake to give your body the energy it needs to start the morning and continue the day with the same energy.

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