What Is Paraphimosis? Signs And Symptoms

Paraphimosis is a medical condition in which the foreskin of the penis is trapped behind the glans and cannot return to its original position. This leads to a lack of blood flow.
What is paraphimosis?  Signs and Symptoms

Paraphimosis is a condition in which the foreskin of the penis assumes an abnormal anatomical position. The foreskin is a fold in the skin that moves over the top of the penis, also known as the glans. The foreskin covers the glans.

When a patient has paraphimosis, the foreskin is trapped behind the glans penis and cannot return to its original position. It’s a medical emergency. The blood in the penis can then no longer flow to the underlying tissues.

It is also important not to confuse paraphimosis with phimosis. The latter condition refers to excess skin that prevents a complete retraction. Phimosis is physiological in infants. However, it normally disappears over time and normal withdrawal occurs.


Why does it occur?

Why does paraphimosis occur

Paraphimosis occurs when the foreskin reduces blood flow to the penis. Several things can cause this:

  • an incomplete development (as is the case with babies).
  • forced retraction of the foreskin forming a fibrous scar.
  • a tight foreskin
  • an incomplete circumcision.
  • penile trauma.
  • an infection due to poor hygiene or from a foreign object (a piercing, for example).

What are the signs and symptoms of paraphimosis?

The fundamental signal, of course, is the inability to retract the foreskin. The patient experiences pain and swelling every time he does this. If this condition persists for several hours, the blood will pool. The skin turns blue as a result of an obstructed blood flow.

However, since it is a very obvious problem, doctors can often treat it in time. It is rare for a patient with advanced gangrene to have to go to the emergency room because this condition is extremely painful.

The diagnosis is very simple. After all, a physical examination of the penis will suffice. No other test is required. This means that they can start the treatment immediately. A physical examination provides a reliable diagnosis.

The treatment of paraphimosis

Treatments of the foreskin

Treatment will depend on the severity of the condition. If detected early, manual manipulation of the swollen tissue of the foreskin will probably suffice.

To facilitate the process, doctors administer painkillers. You can also apply ice to the swollen area. If the swelling does not subside, a specialist can draw the blood out with a fine needle. He can also make a gradual change in pressure to make it easier for the blood to drain.

In addition, doctors can also make a small slit in the foreskin to release it. This procedure is known as a ‘dorsal slit’. It frees the foreskin and allows it to return to its original position.

However, if the paraphimosis is more severe, the patient may require surgery. Circumcision is a surgical technique that aims to remove the foreskin.

By removing the skin covering the glans, paraphimosis cannot recur. However, they must ensure that the foreskin is completely removed. This is necessary to prevent scarring from forming after surgery.

In addition, if the patient has an infection, they may choose to administer antibiotics as soon as possible. In the worst case scenario, if the infection is widespread, the pus will have to be drained. The patient will also need to apply an antibiotic ointment.


When diagnosed in time, the prognosis is excellent. If you experience any discomfort, we recommend that you go to the emergency room. Get examined as soon as possible. Time is of the essence in the case of this condition.

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