What Is Acupressure And What Is It Used For?

Through acupressure, we can relieve pain in different parts of the body just by applying pressure to a number of specific points.
What is acupressure and what is it used for?

Acupressure is a therapy that comes from Chinese acupuncture, which aims to reactivate your energetic circulation. This can potentially take control of all medical conditions associated with an imbalance in a natural way.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the human body has about 20 energy channels known as meridians. Stimulating these channels can potentially create a connection to some of your most vital organs. This creates a balance that keeps your body and mind in harmony.

When a blockage or poisoning of the nodes of these meridians occurs, your energy field can become unbalanced and can cause various symptoms and diseases that reduce your quality of life. What is acupressure? What are the advantages? Read on to learn more about this acupressure.

What is acupressure?

foot massage

Acupressure is a therapeutic procedure that combines principles of massage and acupuncture without the use of needles. Pressure is applied to certain strategic points throughout the body to potentially enhance physical healing.

Each point or group of points relates to an internal organ and a network of energy channels known as meridians, which form the connections.

Your ‘ki’ or ‘chi’, the vital energy that keeps you alive, circulates through these meridians. You already have this energy at birth and it can improve with the air you breathe and the food you eat.

How does acupressure work?

Acupressure is performed by applying pressure with the tips of the fingers, knuckles, or the end of a pencil.

  • Experts in acupressure will examine the points and meridians of the body and then apply pressure until the site that can promote healing is found.
  • You may feel a slight tingling sensation during this treatment. However, as the treatment progresses, this becomes progressively lighter.
  • The pressure applied to each point lasts about 15 to 30 seconds while the therapist identifies the site where an energy imbalance is occurring. After that, the relief can be almost instantaneous.

It is important to mention that the effects of this therapy are different for everyone. One of the most difficult aspects is identifying the points that need pressure. It is also normal for certain points to not work as expected.

What is acupressure used for?

hand massage

Acupressure is recommended as an adjunct treatment for many chronic illnesses or sudden health problems. It is intended to stimulate your body ‘s energy channels and achieve a balance between body and mind, which can potentially heal.

You can use this therapy for the following medical conditions, among others:

  • Muscle aches, cramps or pain
  • Chronic exhaustion or fatigue
  • Stress, anxiety, nervousness
  • Depression and Sleep Disorders
  • Menstrual problems
  • Menopause
  • Constipation, diarrhea or digestive problems
  • Arthritis
  • Poor circulation
  • facial paralysis

The most used energy points


  • This point is located on the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger.
  • This treatment should not be used on pregnant women.
  • You can use it to support the treatment of muscle pain, headache, inflammation and digestive disorders, among other things .


  • This point is three thumb lengths and one finger below the knee.
  • It can calm various digestive diseases and fatigue.
  • It can also be helpful to relieve back pain.


  • This point is located along the wrist between the long palmar muscle tendons and the radial flexor.
  • You can use this point for the possible treatment of palpitations, nausea, vomiting and pain in the upper joints of the body.
  • It may also calm various psychological disorders.

What Are Some Precautions Before Using Acupressure Treatment?


Before starting an acupressure treatment, keep some of the following tips in mind:

  • Do not apply this treatment to points around the abdomen if you are pregnant.
  • Also, do not use too much force on the elderly, children, or patients with other sensitive conditions.
  • It is not a good idea to have this treatment if you are hungry or under the influence of alcohol. You can then faint.
  • The front of the neck, armpits and sides of the chest are not recommended areas.

Acupressure can be an effective technique to reduce the impact of energy imbalances in the body. Although you can apply it to yourself at home, you should only do it when you are aware of all the necessary information. This way you can avoid injury.

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