What Can You Do To Prevent Moisture Build-up?

Fluid accumulation is one of the main causes of weight gain and is generally experienced as very annoying. The causes of fluid retention are very diverse and range from a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, menopause, liver cirrhosis, heart failure to an unhealthy diet and much more. If one retains fluid, which is also called fluid retention or edema, there is an accumulation of fluid locally in the body, usually in the feet, ankles, hands, waist and face.
What can you do to prevent moisture build-up?

In this article you can find several tips to prevent moisture build-up.

A fluid imbalance is very common during pregnancy and is mainly caused by a hormonal imbalance. Fluid usually accumulates in the hands and feet during pregnancy.

It is a normal phenomenon and not a condition to be concerned about. However, if the swelling increases in proportion, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Tips to prevent and treat fluid buildup

A first important measure to prevent fluid build-up is to limit the intake of salt. In many people, fluid retention is the result of overuse of salt. Many products that people consume every day contain too much salt.

All these products together usually provide a high dose of salt in the end. This causes the body to retain moisture that it does not really need. In the long term, essential organs can be affected.

In addition, you should drink enough water. Water ensures that the body can remove waste products quickly and smoothly.

Diuretic Nutrition

One tip that is likely to be successful is to eat foods that have diuretic properties on a regular basis. They are the ideal allies to remove waste products from the body and lose a few kilos. Those extra pounds that we find so annoying are often due to excess fluid in arms and legs.

  • We mainly recommend watermelon to drain moisture due to its high concentration of water.
  • Apple cider vinegar can rebalance potassium levels in the body. These are generally disrupted if too much moisture is retained.
  • Green tea  has long been known as an excellent diuretic and contains a lot of antioxidants.
  • Oranges  are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates kidney function and allows for faster removal of waste products from the body.
  • Artichoke  is often used in herbal teas for weight loss, as it is an excellent diuretic.
  • Blueberries  are excellent antioxidants. We recommend them for any kidney and urinary tract disease.
  • Dandelion  is one of the most powerful medicinal plants that remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Parsley  is regularly added to herbal teas that address obesity and are used as an adjunct in the treatment of heart disease.
  • Onion  is an excellent remedy for gout, rheumatic diseases and kidney problems.

Choose movement

To run

It is important to incorporate regular exercise into your daily living habits. Swimming, walking, running and cycling are ideal ways to get enough exercise.

However, choose something that you enjoy and that fits your own lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle often leads to fluid retention. That little bit of extra exercise can help prevent fluid build-up. It also puts you in a better mood!

Avoid foods with a high salt content

To prevent fluid build-up due to high salt concentrations, we recommend that you eat less salty foods. Remember that certain products that we often have in the house contain a lot of salt. In pre-prepared meat products such as sausages and spreads and in sauces, snacks and alcohol, for example, we see far too high concentrations of salt.

Decreased consumption of salt can also make the body less susceptible to diseases such as kidney stones, stomach cancer and you are less likely to develop less taste over the years due to too much salt habituation.

Put foods rich in potassium on the menu

Fruits and Vegetables with Potassium

Potassium is an essential element for a healthy and balanced body. It is important for your nervous system, muscle function, fluid balance and your heart and kidneys. Blood pressure can be controlled by the presence of potassium and the substance can also stimulate the excretion of excess fluid from the body.

Certain fruits, such as kiwi, cantaloupe, orange and banana, contain high doses of potassium. And the vegetables artichoke, cabbage, potatoes and avocado  are also excellent suppliers.

Complete your menu with magnesium

Magnesium is also a mineral that is indispensable for our body. This substance supports the elimination of excess fluid and has a regulating function on the insulin level in the body.

This is essential for heart health, can support the functioning of the nervous and muscular system, reduce migraines, and strengthen bones and bones.

Magnesium-rich food

  • Bran,  whether derived from wheat or oats, is rich in magnesium.
  • Dried herbs,  preferably coriander, mint and parsley. Not only do they provide the necessary essential nutritional elements, but you can also use them to add flavor and aroma to your menu.
  • Flaxseed,  which is rich in antioxidants, prevents cardiovascular disease and provides a lot of magnesium.
  • Sunflower seeds  are rich in magnesium and vitamin E.
  • Milk,  in any form (powder, whole or skimmed milk, condensed), contains high concentrations of magnesium and is also rich in vitamins A, D and E.

And last but not least…

Alternate enough exercise with rest. With swollen legs, it is wise to put the legs slightly higher than your body during the night, because this allows the moisture to be drained better. If fluid retention persists after applying these tips, it is wise to consult a doctor to rule out underlying conditions.

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