What Are The Health Benefits Of Yogurt

Yogurt has numerous health benefits as it contains many vitamins, minerals and proteins. Read more about it in this article!
What are the health benefits of yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product that comes from fermented milk containing a number of bacteria. Cow’s milk is usually used for this. The fermentation of lactose is what gives the yogurt its distinctive sour taste. However, in addition to the great taste, there are also many amazing health benefits of yogurt.

There are many myths about the benefits of animal milk. Certain studies claim that it is not as good for your health as once thought. Some say yogurt increases mucus and congestion, but also promotes the development of certain allergies. However, this has not been conclusively demonstrated.

For many years this food has become a regular part of the diet in many countries around the world. In general, people add other ingredients such as chocolate, vanilla or other flavorings to expand the variety of flavors.

In this article we will show you the different properties of this food and the many health benefits of yogurt for your body. So keep reading!

The nutritional value of yogurt

Yogurt offers many benefits and fundamental properties for your body, making it a very complete food. Therefore, yogurt can be considered an indispensable part of a balanced diet.

The health benefits of yogurt

A woman eats yogurt

There are many benefits of yogurt that are very important. Let’s take a closer look at these benefits by listing some of these positive qualities.

It is a good source of nutrients

Yogurt is a food that is very rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition , it contains proteins that are very valuable for your body. These proteins provide your body with essential amino acids.

Moreover, yogurt ensures that you feel full because of these proteins. Therefore it is a very complete product. In addition, yogurt contains many vitamins and minerals, as we mentioned earlier. These include:

  • vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption
  • vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • calcium
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • potassium

It helps to keep your intestinal flora healthy

Yogurt helps to keep your intestinal flora in good condition. This is due to the high amount of bacteria and yeast in the lacto-fermentation. For example, you can use yogurt as a probiotic to restore your intestinal flora if you have to take antibiotics.

These microorganisms, from the genus Bifidobacterium , among others , help you regulate digestion and prevent diseases caused by certain microorganisms.

Yogurt is easy to digest

One of the advantages of yogurt is that it is easy to digest. In addition, it is a product that does not contain much lactose, unlike milk. Therefore, it is more tolerable for people with mild lactose intolerance, especially compared to milk.

It is good for vaginal microbiotics

A woman forms a heart for her belly

Taking care of your vaginal microbiota is fundamental for women to prevent yeast and candida infections. One of the other health benefits of yogurt is that it nourishes and supports healthy vaginal flora.

This is because yogurt is made from live bacteria. These bacteria are prophylactic, meaning they boost your immune system and help the good bacteria in your body. For this reason, yogurt is great for helping to prevent infections like candida.

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