Watermelon Seed Tea To Detoxify The Kidneys

Fruit tea can regulate your digestion and make your kidneys stronger. That’s why it’s a good idea to save the seeds of watermelon for making tea.
Watermelon seed tea to detoxify the kidneys

Everyone knows that watermelon is healthy, nutritious and refreshing. But we are also used to removing the watermelon seeds. More and more watermelons without seeds are coming onto the market to make it easier for the customer. However, the seeds also have various health benefits and you can use them to make tea from watermelon seeds, for example.

Did you know that these seeds are actually very healthy? When used in the right amount, watermelon seed tea is great for strengthening and detoxifying the kidneys.

In today’s article, we’ll give you all the information you need about this interesting topic.

The benefits of watermelon seeds

Who doesn’t love watermelon? This seasonal fruit is your best friend during the summer, as watermelon provides hydration, minerals and antioxidants, while also fighting moisture retention. 

However, most people spit out or remove the pits because they are not used to eating them or find them difficult to eat. Unfortunately, this means that they lack the amazing health benefits that we will now share with you.

1. Small zing, big laxative

Watermelon seeds act as a laxative

The seeds of most fruits have a mild laxative effect, which is good for digestion. However, the seeds of a watermelon are much larger than those of, for example, a strawberry. That’s why people don’t like to eat them, but actually you can use the size to your advantage.

You can very well make a tea from it to use against constipation. Watermelon seeds are very effective!

2. Detox your body and improve your kidney health

Watermelon seeds improve your kidney health

Tea made from watermelon seeds has been used for centuries to detoxify the kidneys and treat kidney stone. These kernels have a powerful cleansing effect and help to remove waste products and toxins. They also improve the functioning of the kidneys, preventing the development of kidney stones.

In addition to taking care of your kidney health, you can also drink watermelon seed tea to regulate your blood pressure.

3. Watermelon seeds contain a lot of energy

watermelon juice

It’s a shame you lose so many benefits if you spit out the pips. Before reading this article, did you know that watermelon seeds were so nutritious? Well, they are. Watermelon seeds are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant also found in tomatoes. They are also high in magnesium and zinc.

Remember the following:

The seeds of watermelon are low in calories. At the same time, they are packed with energy, making them a great choice for those suffering from fatigue or recovering. They are also great for those days when you feel too tired to get out of bed.

How to make watermelon seed tea to detoxify the kidneys?

A glass of watermelon juice

It’s actually very simple. This medicinal tea is perfect for anyone who suffers from kidney problems or regularly recurring urinary tract infections. Follow the following steps:


  • 40 grams of watermelon seeds (try to use organic watermelon)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 150 grams watermelon, cut into pieces


  • The first step is  to boil the water. When it boils, use a mortar and pestle to grind the kernels so it’s easier to cook them.
  • Add them to the boiling water and let them cook for half an hour. Remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture steep for an hour while it cools. Strain the liquid and keep it.
  • What now? Place the watermelon and tea in a blender. Store this mixture in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass bottle, so that no unwanted flavors can develop.

How do you drink watermelon seed tea?

  • It is best to drink this tea at room temperature. Drink the first cup in the morning on an empty stomach and the following cups half an hour after eating. Follow this treatment two days a week until the desired result is achieved.
  • It is important that you do not add sugar to your tea. If you still want to make it sweeter, you can add 25 grams of honey. We should also emphasize that you can probably only find the fruit in the supermarket during the summer, but the seeds can always be found in a health store.
  • See how you like this treatment. Remember not to exceed the recommended amount of 40 grams of watermelon seeds per day. Tea is the best way to get the benefits of watermelon seeds because if you eat them raw they are not digested properly.  

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