Using Lemon In Eleven Great Ways

Did you know that the lemon can be a great ally for your dishwashing liquid to remove grease? Mix the two together to effortlessly remove food and grease residues.
Using Lemon in Eleven Awesome Ways

The lemon has a whole list of great properties. You can use lemon in these eleven great ways for various activities in your everyday life.

Pay close attention and don’t miss out on the amazing uses of this delicious fruit.

Ways you can use lemon

1. Weight Loss Aid

Using Lemon To Promote Weight Loss

When mixed with water, lemon is a great way to purify your body,  making it also a great remedy for those who would like to shed a few pounds.

In addition, it removes toxins from your body and helps prevent cellular aging.

2. Means to strengthen the immune system

Thanks to its antibacterial properties and vitamin C content, lemons help boost your immune system and fight free radicals. So reach for lemons for a stronger immune system.

3. Using lemon as an odor fighter for the fridge

Using lemon to keep the fridge fresh

If certain products are causing your fridge to give off a rather unpleasant odor, don’t make it too complicated for yourself.

  • Simply take everything out of your fridge and then soak a cotton ball in some lemon juice.
  • Then leave the cotton ball in the fridge for a few hours. The citrus scent will combat that unpleasant odor in no time.

4. Air Freshener

Lemon doesn’t just make your whole house smell good. This simple air freshener also helps neutralize and disinfect any space.

Below we share a recipe. It is not only easy to make, but also very cheap.


  • 1 lemon
  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons baking soda


  • Boil the lemon peels in some water.
  • Then add the vinegar and let it boil for five minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and then let the mixture cool.
  • Pour the baking soda into a spray bottle and then add the rest of the mixture as well.
  • Shake the ingredients together and then spray the mixture all over your house.

Note: You can also add essential oils such as vanilla oil, or fresh rosemary, mint, or thyme before boiling the water to enhance the fragrance.

5. Disinfectant

Using lemon as a disinfectant

The citric acid contained in lemons has a very powerful antibacterial effect. You can therefore use lemon to eliminate germs and bacteria.

Together with baking soda, this is the perfect combination to make a natural disinfectant.


  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda


  • Mix the juice of the two lemons and the tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl.
  • Then use a sponge to remove any dirt that has become stuck with this mixture.

6. Cleaning agent for your microwave

This device is one of the devices that collects the most dirt and grease. In addition, it is also one of the most difficult devices to clean. Therefore, lemons can be very helpful in this regard.

What should you do?

  • Pour a cup of lemon juice into a microwaveable container.
  • Then put it in the microwave and let it run for five minutes.
  • Thus, the lemon juice will evaporate and the steam will help to loosen the dirt and grease, making it very easy to remove afterwards.

7. Disinfectant for cutting boards

Using lemon to disinfect cutting boards

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how well you clean your cutting board, that unpleasant smell just lingers. That is normal. This is because cutting boards are constantly brought into contact with sharp foods such as onions, garlic, etc.

What should you do?

  • Use lemon to combat this unpleasant odor by cutting a lemon in half and rubbing one half over the cutting board. Then let the juice do its work for a few hours.
  • Wash the cutting board thoroughly with soap and water afterwards.

8. Soap for your hands

Onions, garlic and fish are foods that leave a very persistent odor on your hands when you touch them. To make sure you don’t transfer this smell to other ingredients, it can help to rub half a lemon over your hands. Wash your hands afterwards with plenty of soap and water.

9. Grease Remover

Lemon is often used in soaps made to wash pottery because of its great grease-removing properties.

What should you do?

  • If you leave dirty pottery too long, the grease will seep into the dishes. When this happens, the lemon is your best friend.
  • Squeeze a lemon into a bowl and soak a sponge in the juice. Then also put a little dishwashing liquid on your sponge.
  • Then use this to wash your plates and voilĂ .

10. Remedy to prevent fruit from browning

Of course this happens to everyone. You cut an apple in half and save one half for later. However, when you feel like your second half, it’s completely browned. The same thing happens with avocados and other fruits and vegetables. That’s why you can use the lemon.

What should you do?

  • To prevent this in the future, you can spread a little lemon juice over your piece of fruit.
  • The antioxidant effect will keep your fruits and vegetables looking fresh.

11. Using Lemon As A Stain Remover For Clothes

Using lemon to wash your clothes

Lemon is a great way to get stains out of clothes. This also includes sweat stains, deodorant stains, grease stains, wine stains, coffee stains, etc.


  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Detergent (the right kind for the garment you want to wash)


  • Mix the lemon juice and detergent together in a bowl.
  • Then apply this mixture to the stain you want to remove. Let it do its work for a few hours and wash the garment as usual.

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