Unhealthy Habits For Your Guts

If you often have problems with your intestines, take a look at your lifestyle and stress level, for example.
Unhealthy Habits for Your Guts

The intestines play an important role in digestion. Healthy gut is essential for a well-functioning body in general. Inflammation, gas, abdominal pressure and numerous other intestinal disorders are caused by many different factors, including stress and anxiety.

You are probably familiar with the term irritable bowel syndrome, which is an example of a bowel disorder. This article describes which unhealthy habits you should avoid to keep your gut in optimal condition.

1. Stress, stress, stress

Avoiding stress for healthier guts

Never underestimate the effect of stress on the body. The daily rush to work, a high rhythm of life, restlessness and worrying are among the most important factors that have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal system.

The gut is sometimes referred to as the “second brain” because it has its own nervous system where neurotransmitters are produced. As a result, emotional stress often dramatically affects the gut and can lead to irritable bowels.

Keep in mind that anxiety and stress can cause, among other things:

  • Changes in the own nervous system,  which coordinates the movement of the intestines. Stress can both speed up and slow down that movement.
  • Changes in Hormone Balance. At high stress levels, adrenaline and cortisol are released, which slows down digestion and passage of food.
  • Emo food  definitely belongs in the list. For many people, food has a calming effect during periods of anxiety and fear, so that too much food is accumulated and cannot be processed in time by the intestines. Digestive problems and difficult absorption of nutrients are the result.

Knowing that emotions have a direct impact on the health of the gut and your body in general, make the decision now to adjust your pace of life and consciously enjoy each day and your loved ones around you.

2. Unhealthy Eating Habits for Your Guts

Avoid fried and processed foods, fast foods and fatty products

Unhealthy Diet Habits for Your Guts

Hamburgers, fries, fried chicken and pizza… We all indulge in this from time to time, due to lack of time or just want a quick bite. Then you probably also noticed that they often give you stomach pain.

The lack of water-soluble fiber in these food products causes a lot of digestion nuisance. It can cause both diarrhea and constipation.

Good to know : Use the oven to prepare meat and fish and you will use much less oil and fat. Experiment with steaming vegetables and preferably use olive oil.

Eliminate red meat from the menu

Eliminate red meat from your menu for healthier guts

It is increasingly recommended to avoid red meat because:

  • It is difficult to digest.
  • Contains a lot of fats.
  • It is not always clear where your meat comes from.

Unfortunately, livestock is increasingly being genetically engineered to grow faster and produce more meat, resulting in too many toxins that are very harmful to health.

Lean meats such as chicken and turkey are the healthiest. Preferably buy meat from the local butcher, who can inform you where the meat comes from. Choose healthy cooking methods, such as grilling or frying in olive oil and avoid fried meat as much as possible.

Limit dairy products

Limit dairy products for healthier guts

Dairy products are also among the nutrients often linked to the development of irritable bowel syndrome.

  • They are difficult to digest.
  • Do not contain fiber.
  • Quickly give you an unhealthy feeling.
  • In addition, their high fat and lactose content can cause both diarrhea and constipation. It is best to delete them from your daily menu.

If you find it difficult to completely eliminate milk from your daily diet, feel free to experiment with healthier alternatives such as rice, almond, oat and walnut milks. Already available everywhere in large supermarkets, but also easy to make yourself at home. Get started healthy and feel free to try this out for yourself!

3. Drug Use

Limit drug use for healthier guts

Today, numerous scientific studies also link the increased incidence of irritable bowel syndrome with the use of antibiotics.

In many cases it was noted that this condition developed after an infection, which was treated with this type of medication. The increased use of antibiotics poses a direct threat to intestinal health.

How can medicines damage our body? Our gut is teeming with microscopic life and a healthy gut naturally has a balance between healthy and unhealthy bacteria.

However, antibiotics do not distinguish between these healthy and unhealthy microorganisms and remove all bacteria. This completely disrupts the healthy balance of the intestinal flora.

This balance is also disrupted by resorting to medicines too often for constipation or diarrhea. Often there are very efficient and natural home remedies available that you can use without causing damage to the gastrointestinal system.

If one of these classic medicines is prescribed by your doctor, do not hesitate to discuss any possible side effects of this medication in confidence.

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