Treat Joint Pain With Salt And Oil

Natural remedies like this salt and oil treatment are very effective and long term. Best of all, they don’t harm your body. Learn about a great salt and oil treatment for joint pain!
Treat joint pain with salt and oil

More and more people suffer from joint pain. This is because we have little time for physical activities, but also because of the increasing life expectancy. In this article we will show you a powerful treatment based on salt and oil.

It is great for osteoporosis and other bone and muscle problems.

We live longer and therefore you use your bones and muscles more. As a result, they wear off.

In general, people resort to chemical medications to relieve their symptoms, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These drugs are harmful to both your stomach and liver. The latter can be damaged by taking drugs to protect your stomach.

However, nature has given us other resources that can help without damaging the other organs. 

In addition  , this treatment is available to everyone and easy to prepare. You only need a glass container or jar to keep it in, and a few minutes a day to apply it.

The amazing properties of olive oil

Olive oil is rich in polyphenols, which act as antioxidants. When the golden liquid comes in contact with your body, it slows down all the aging of cells. 

This means that it takes longer for pain to occur.

It also contains oleocanthal, a component that prevents enzymes that cause inflammation from being activated. Therefore,  three tablespoons of olive oil equals one-tenth that amount of a chemical anti-inflammatory drug.

At the same time  , it regulates stress through the monounsaturated fatty acids, an important point for good cardiovascular health.

Keep in mind that  good circulation is essential to keep your organs healthy as it ensures they are well nourished.

The amazing properties of sea salt

For our salt and oil treatment we will use sea salt because of its amazing benefits.

For starters, sea ​​salt is high in magnesium to help strengthen your tissues. Therefore, it is a good way to stop tissue breakdown, whether due to time or disease.

In addition, the minerals in salt are very good for your immune system. As a result, your bones and muscles will heal faster. So, the consequences of a walk, a long car ride, spending many hours in your seat or standing for long periods of time will be much smaller.

As if that weren’t enough, sea ​​salt also helps improve your circulation system. That’s because it actually eliminates excess salt in your blood and also lowers your blood pressure.

Treatment with salt and oil

Salt and oil for joint pain


  • 250ml water
  • 300 ml olive oil
  • 100 grams of salt


  • First, add the olive oil and salt to the water.
  • Mix the ingredients and then  massage it on the painful area for 3 minutes.
  • This will be enough at the beginning, but gradually increase the time.
  • The end goal is to get to 20 minutes. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough time; this is not essential. Try to do it for at least 10 minutes.
Treating joint pain with salt and oil

Apply the salt and oil treatment for about 10 days. You will see fast, long-lasting results. You will be able to move more easily, while your pain will decrease drastically.

Thanks to this traditional remedy  , you will breathe new life into your cells, support your circulation and your immune system.

In some people, the skin may turn red from massaging and removing the mixture.

  • To avoid this, first wipe the mixture off your arm with a warm, steaming towel.
  • Then use another dry towel with talcum powder to soften the area.

These simple steps will prevent any redness so you can continue the treatment normally.

Try it!

As you can see, this salt and oil treatment is definitely worth a try. It’s easy to make and apply, and the results are great.

If you are someone who does not trust traditional medicines, try this treatment. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Try it out and tell us how you like it!

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