To All Mothers Who Feel Lonely

It is not always easy to balance your identity as a mother and as an adult woman. This is especially true when there are many people around us who feel that we are not up to the standards of the “ideal mother.” That is why there are unfortunately many mothers who feel lonely.
To all mothers who feel lonely

Motherhood is a stage of great change. Most of these changes have to do with childbirth and having to take responsibility for a whole new creature. This has a lot of influence on the former life of the new mother. Sometimes these changes are overwhelming and that is why there are many mothers who feel lonely.

Successfully combining your role of wife with your role of mother is by no means easy.

As mothers, we sometimes experience feelings of insecurity because we lack a supportive family network.

In addition, we also have to deal with physical and hormonal changes, as well as some other transformations that cause stress.

And as if this doesn’t complicate our situation enough, social limitations often oppose the reality that many women experience during motherhood.

It is therefore not surprising that many women experience feelings such as:

  • frustration
  • incomprehension
  • loneliness

The model of the ‘perfect mother’

In the society we live in, we have several models that tell us what a good mother should be like.

For example, take a good look at the commercials, series and movies on TV. Have you ever noticed how women with babies or young children are presented in this?

One of the mothers who feel lonely

They almost always look well-groomed and tip-top and often have a huge smile on their face.

In addition, they are almost always slim women full of energy and vitality. They change their babies’ diapers as if it were a poetic act. And as for breastfeeding, that goes without saying.

Moms in ads are women who don’t seem to suffer from problems such as:

  • fatigue
  • lack of sleep
  • loneliness
  • pain

For the media, motherhood is just that: a natural state of bliss and joy and of spiritual connection.

The picture of the perfect mother implies that every mother should always put the needs of her children above her own.

It claims that it is possible to satisfy on both sides, as if it were very easy to care for a baby who is completely dependent on you.

Being a real mom doesn’t match this model and that’s why there are moms who feel lonely.

Motherhood in real life

If you already have a little one, then you probably know that this image of the ideal mother is far removed from reality.

This does not mean , however , that motherhood is all about pain and bitterness. Actually, it’s a beautiful phase where there is also a lot of love and joy.

During pregnancy, for example, you may experience a lot of happiness, because a little person is on the way, who is growing inside you. But at the same time, it is very likely that you will also experience a lot of dizziness, nausea and general malaise.

It should be normal to be able to show the malaise a mother feels. Unfortunately, however, our society dictates that these kinds of feelings should be suppressed.

And because as mothers we often don’t feel free to express our thoughts and discontent, there are so many mothers who feel lonely.

Mothers who feel lonely

The real mother is a woman who is alone for various reasons.

One of these reasons is that certain information is not passed on from generation to generation. For example, it still seems like a secret that childbirth will be painful and motherhood takes up almost all of your time, energy and money.

Mothers who feel lonely need help

We are also almost never told that young mothers get very little sleep and feel tired and irritable as a result.

Or that mothers often feel that they are not good enough. Not even that there will be times when you will feel guilty for not fulfilling all your obligations, etc.

For that reason it is very valuable to start motherhood with people around us who love us.

People who should not only encourage us, but also support us and give us advice. Especially when we are faced with problems or doubts.

Seek emotional support

Humans are social beings. We are made to live in a community and create a support network to deal with difficult times.

Motherhood is a more than appropriate time to ask for this kind of help.

Things that are extremely important to alleviate some of the anxiety and stress that come with the responsibilities of motherhood include:

  • can throw everything out
  • ask for advice
  • get answers from people who have experience
  • receive understanding
  • to ask for favors
One of the mothers who feel lonely

In some parts of the world, such as Spain and the United States, mothers who feel lonely have set up maternity groups.

In these types of groups , mothers who feel lonely come together to share their experiences and discuss their doubts, fears or hopes.

The goal is to banish feelings of loneliness. In addition, it is intended to create a support network that enables mothers to perform their role well.

You are not alone

There are plenty of moms who feel lonely, so it’s important to know that you’re not alone.

It is also important to remember that fatigue and sleep affect our mood and our physical and mental performance.

This way of thinking reminds us that we need others. At the same time , we also have to take care of ourselves. Maintaining a balance isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

With that in mind, if you feel lonely, seek support.

Motherhood is not an easy road, but it does bring a lot of happiness.

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