Tips To Reduce Age Spots

Most people don’t have age spots treated, but if you want them to be less visible, read carefully the tips described in the article below.
Tips to reduce age spots

Age spots are also sometimes called liver spots. It is a benign skin condition, caused by extra pigmentation. The spots mainly appear as we get older. We see them mainly in places that are often exposed to the sun, such as the backs of the hands, the face and the arms. But there are also tips to reduce your age spots!

What do we know about age spots


These common skin discolorations are caused by too much melanin in the top layer of the skin. That is why you more often see dark spots or pigmentation on the hands, arms, shoulders, neck and face in older people.

In addition, there are a number of additional factors that can contribute to pigmentation. For example, exposure to the sun is an important source of influence. If you don’t protect your skin, that effect is all the greater.

In addition, there are many other factors. Think of an unhealthy diet with a lot of saturated fats, alcohol, certain types of make-up, and toxic substances in cleaning products. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause can also stimulate the development of pigment spots.

Age Spot Precautions

There are some precautions you can take to reduce age spots or prevent pigmentation. Once the spots appear, you can only use remedies to fade or hide them.

How can you prevent the appearance of age spots:

  • In the summer, protect yourself from exposure to the sun’s rays by using a cream with a high protection factor. If you have light skin, opt for a full sunblock. Do not forget to liberally lubricate your hands and also protect your face by wearing a cap or nice hat.
  • Keep the skin on your hands always hydrated to prevent the development of spots. Choose a good quality protective and nourishing hand cream.
  • Drink enough water to keep sufficient fluid in the body at all times. Optimal hydration slows down the aging process of the skin cells and ensures efficient removal of toxins from the body.
  • Prepare a balanced diet rich in antioxidants. It keeps the skin youthful and radiant, makes existing spots fade and will definitely prevent the development of new pigmentation spots.
  • If you have had very dark pigmentation spots for some time, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist for further advice.

Home remedies to reduce age spots


Choose a combination of the following three remedies to reduce age spots

You will need a pigment-fading cream, the juice of a lemon and a sunscreen with a high SPF factor (minimum 15). First of all, apply the pigment-reducing cream to the problem areas every day. This cream is made for long-term use for the best possible result. That is why this cream is a good method to make unwanted pigmentation spots less visible.

Then choose to apply the lemon juice to your pigmentation spots twice a day. In general, you will see a reasonable result in about eight weeks. Make sure that you do not expose the treated spots to the sun on that day, because the spots can then become darker.

Finally, always generously apply a protective cream to your hands every time you leave the house. Do this several times a day during vacations at the beach or pool.

Additional tips to whiten pigmentation spots:

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  • Use the gel from the stem of an aloe vera plant or buy a ready-made gel from the health food store and apply it twice a day on the discolorations to be treated.
  • Make a mixture of equal parts milk and apple cider vinegar  to apply to your hands or other areas of the body where pigmentation occurs.
  • Also hydrogen peroxide is used to reduce stains. Dip a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide and apply to the back of the hands every night before going to bed.
  • An infusion of dandelion is also a natural classic to reduce age spots. Take one tablespoon of the herb in one cup of water and treat hands three times a day. If you have the plant nearby, you can also open the stem and immediately apply the white milk to your hands.
  • Mash 1/3 cup chickpeas and add a little water. Let this mixture soak all day and apply the paste on the backs of the hands in the evening. Let it dry and then wash your hands well. Repeat this remedy every day for several weeks.

Tips that also apply to freckles

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If you would like to have fewer freckles, there are certainly a number of natural remedies that you can easily apply at home:

  • Mix water with a combination of parsley and watercress. Treat the places on the skin that you would like to be paler. Do this preferably before going to bed and leave it on all night. Rinse off in the morning.
  • Heat the contents of a bottle of beer  and then let it cool again. Use the lukewarm mixture to treat freckles on the hands and repeat daily for two weeks. After rinsing, apply olive oil or castor oil to protect hands.
  • Also hot sour cream or warm milk are known to fade freckles. Combine with horseradish powder or ground oatmeal and massage on the areas where the freckles are located.
  • Dissolve sugar in lemon juice and apply this mixture to the freckles. Leave on for half an hour and then rinse well.
  • Take a slice of papaya daily to treat the skin of the face. Freckles will not only fade, but the skin will also look more youthful and radiant!

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