Tips For Soft And Odorless Towels

You only need two ingredients for this: vinegar and baking soda or baking soda. Vinegar removes the bacteria and softens the fabric of the towels, while baking soda disinfects and removes bad odors.
Tips for soft and odorless towels

It has probably happened to you that you reach for a freshly washed towel and that it gives off a bad smell. Or you dry off and notice that the towel hardly absorbs any moisture. Even when you buy new towels, they don’t always seem to absorb well. Don’t we all like soft and odorless towels ?

How can you ensure that your towels are always fresh and smelling? There are probably tricks that ensure that we always have wonderfully soft and odorless towels in the closet, which feel nice and immediately absorb all the water.

This article describes some tips that will make short work of smelly towels and guarantee that you will enjoy your bath or shower more from now on.

The natural solution for soft and odorless towels that absorb better

It often happens that we come home with newly purchased towels and we notice that they feel rough and not at all soft. This is caused by the paint used to give the towel its beautiful color.

Many people wash the textiles first in the washing machine with hot water before using the towels in the kitchen or bathroom.

Over time, however, the towels may start to feel rough again or spread unpleasant odors. The material of the towels plays no role in this.

Even towels made of the best quality cotton will no longer smell so fresh over time. They will also retain moisture, making them less absorbent. 

There is a risk that bacteria will adhere more easily to the damp textile. How can you prevent this by applying some simple, natural tips?

What do you need ?

  • 1 cup white vinegar (250 ml) or distilled vinegar
  • 1/2 cup of baking soda or baking soda (125 mg)
  • Hot water

How do we go about getting soft and odorless towels?

Baking soda to get soft and odorless towels
  • Use the washing machine : Freshly bought towels or towels that feel damp and no longer smell so fresh can be treated in the washing machine. Select a program with hot water. Add the cup of white vinegar, pre-dissolved in water, to the towels in the drum. Then run the washing machine through the full cycle. Very easy!
  • Then run the wash cycle again with hot water, but together with the baking soda. It is important not to mix the two ingredients. Hang the towels to dry after this wash and immediately notice the difference when you start using the towels again.


How come these simple tips will make your towels softer and smelling fresh?

Vinegar and lemon to get soft and odorless towels

Science can explain these simple, natural tips. More and more we get into the habit of taking the commercial talk and advertisements as true. We believe that the touted detergents and fabric softeners will give optimal results.

However, the opposite is true. Too much added fragrances, dyes and chemicals will damage the fabric of the towel. As a result, it wears faster and absorbs moisture less well.

  • White vinegar  contains acetic acid, which gives great results by removing bacteria and moisture from the towels. The musty smell disappears and the textile feels soft and pleasant again.
  • Sodium Bicarbonate : As you have often read, sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is an ideal product that can be used for almost most cleaning jobs in and around the house. It disinfects, removes dirt and grease and neutralizes bad odors. The alkaline property of baking soda is much higher than that of most detergents. As a result, this simple, white powder also cleans and deodorizes much better.

Extra tips to keep your towels dry and fragrant

Extra tips to get soft and odorless towels

You’ve probably read most of the tips for soft and odorless towels here and there. We have listed everything again, so that you can always take care of your textiles in a perfect way.

Remember that towels that retain moisture are a breeding ground for bacteria. They may cause allergies or other nasty ailments. With these simple tidbits, prevention is better than cure, right?

Did you know…

  • Are bacteria crazy about moisture?  After every shower or bath, hang the towels to dry well and make sure you don’t store them damp in the closet. A towel does not need a wash every time. However, it is important that you always give them the chance to become completely dry. The towels are less likely to smell foul and bacteria do not get a chance to attach themselves to the textile.
  • If you wash towels, it is better not to use too much soap or detergents?  The textiles will accumulate an excess of detergent. As a result, the fibers become rougher and the towel is no longer able to absorb water. Carefully read the directions for recommended amounts of detergent and do not use more than necessary.
  • In the department stores we see an oversupply of fabric softeners. However, the truth is that nothing beats using white or non-distilled vinegar. It is a completely natural product, which provides wonderfully feeling towels without all the negative side effects of artificial fabric softeners. You notice that the towels show less wear and tear. They also feel nice and soft and absorb water as they should. Above all, remember that it is important to take care of textiles and clothing used for babies and children. Choose not to use chemical products such as detergents and fabric softeners, but treat all your valuables and those of the children with completely natural products.
  • Baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice are your best allies to keep your living environment tidy and hygienic. Moreover, you are less harmful to the environment!

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