These Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments Improve Your Health

To relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, it is very important to remove excess toxins from your body and also to take good care of your emotional well-being.
These Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments Improve Your Health

According to traditional medical science, rheumatoid arthritis is an incurable autoimmune disease that causes generalized inflammation.  However, there are preventive and palliative treatments that can greatly improve a patient’s quality of life.

In this article, we will explore several natural treatments that can treat rheumatoid arthritis from different perspectives.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can have symptoms such as pain, inflammation, stiffness and loss of use of your joints (fingers, elbows, knees, etc.)

  • An autoimmune disease occurs when the body attacks itself as if it were a pathogen.
  • It damages cells and healthy tissue, ultimately affecting the person’s general health. For example, it can damage the blood, heart or nervous system. 

Natural treatments

The following fundamentals for treating rheumatoid arthritis naturally will be covered:

  • removing toxins
  • nutrition
  • the immune system
  • relieving inflammation
  • balancing your emotions

Removing Toxins

Removing Toxins

Naturally treating rheumatoid arthritis is primarily based on a patient having excess amounts of toxins in their body. Therefore, detoxification is the first step towards improving the cleansing function of the liver, kidneys, skin and intestines.

There are multiple ways to remove toxins. It all depends on which treatments are best for you:

  • A diet with detoxifying foods such as garlic, onion, lemon, grapefruit etc.
  • Cleansing medicinal plants such as dandelion, boldo, burdock root, milk thistle, etc.
  • You can also think of juices, soups and detoxifying smoothies.

food intolerances

Food intolerances are on the rise. This is due to the poor quality of food, bad habits and many other factors. However, it is important to always rule out the possibility of a person with rheumatoid arthritis having a food intolerance. This is not always a severe allergy that causes problems. For example, it can also be caused by a hypersensitivity and this can cause long-term disorders.

The most common food intolerances are those to gluten and lactose. A person with these intolerances may not feel the immediate effect of eating these foods. However, complaints can still arise. These mainly relate to digestion, such as heartburn and gas formation.

  • The solution is to have research done or to leave certain foods for a month.
  • If your health deteriorates after you eat those foods again, you probably have a food intolerance.

Immunoregulatory Remedies

Immunregulatory Agents

Because this condition is an autoimmune disease, it’s important to use treatments that balance your immune system.  Therefore, taking the following supplements will help you heal both step by step and in depth:

  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
  • Antioxidants (vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids, selenium and zinc)
  • shark cartilage
  • Blue gum tree 
  • astralagus root
  • Icelandic moss
  • cat’s claw
  • Shiitake mushroom
  • egg bunny
  • Reishi mushroom

Anti-Inflammatory Baths

Medicated baths in particular relieve the inflammation that affects your joints and various organs.

  • If you can visit a spa, we recommend taking a bath in the sulfur springs. These baths have an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect that is very beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • You can also take a beneficial bath at home with baking soda or magnesium sulfate. Taking a bath for at least half an hour will also increase your sense of well-being. In addition, it will give a feeling of relief.

Emotional problems

There are several treatments that can help with emotional problems

Finally, within the world of natural medicine, the focus is always on emotional factors that can influence, trigger or worsen diseases.

Therefore, balancing your emotions can have a positive effect on a condition. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have often had difficult and painful experiences.

Their personality is often very peaceful and friendly. However, their emotional problems can also stem from psychological abuse. Patients with this form of arthritis often find it difficult to express their feelings. In addition, they can often pin on resentment related to a previous tragic event. They prefer to help others face their own traumatic experiences.

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