The Meaning Of Facial Wrinkles And How To Prevent Them

What are facial wrinkles or expression lines? And how can you prevent them? There are many factors that affect the lines on your face. In this article we show you what they mean. We also explain how you can prevent them with some natural remedies.
The meaning of facial wrinkles and how to prevent them

The face is a reflection of the soul. Facial wrinkles are also a sign of how your body is working. They can also indicate a chronic or acute weakening of your organs and even your emotions. We explain the meaning of wrinkles on the face here.

This means that the marks that appear on your face are not just a result of age or the passage of time. They can also be a signal that we need to improve something in ourselves.

In this article we will tell you what the meaning of the most common wrinkles is and how you can prevent them. We will also explain how you can reduce them with natural remedies, a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

What do crow’s feet mean?

crow's feet

These wrinkles appear as horizontal lines around the eyes and toward the temples. When we smile or frown, they stand out even more.

With happy people they can be a form of expression. Crow’s feet, however, are often a sign of a weak liver. In many cases, they are also associated with certain vision problems associated with liver function.

Advice to prevent or soften wrinkles

  • Avoid eating unhealthy sugars and fats. You should also avoid eating ultra-processed meats, margarine, industrial pastries, fried foods, and so on.
  • Try to eat early in the evening and eat light meals. That way you have already digested the food by the time you go to sleep.
  • Drink medicinal infusions and supplements made from boldo, milk thistle, turmeric, artichoke or dandelion.
  • Address stress or negative emotions such as anger.

What do bags under the eyes mean?

bags under the eyes

Many people suffer from bags under the eyes. It is a swelling that makes us look sad, tired and defeated. There are aesthetic surgical procedures that can remove them. However, you can also prevent or reduce them by taking care of your kidneys.

Your kidneys are responsible for balancing the fluids in your body.

Tips to take care of your kidneys

  • Drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. Spread this out throughout the day. Make water the first thing you drink in the morning. Always drink it between meals.
  • Avoid eating too much salt. Preferably choose sea salt or Himalayan salt.
  • Try to eat raw fruits and vegetables every day. Choose fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water and potassium. Use them in juices, soups and salads.
  • Apply heat locally to the kidney area (in the middle of the back). You can use a hot water bottle or a heat patch.
  • Take vitamin C supplements.

The meaning of wrinkles on the forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead (horizontal lines from one side to the other) are a reflection of everyday worries. They are the result of emotions.

So the solution is to adopt a more positive and determined attitude that helps to solve problems without becoming stressed. So it’s about not worrying and just dealing with the problems when they occur.

You can find emotional support with Bach flowers. These are natural essences that promote psychological balance. They have no side effects and pose no risk of dependence. You can take them at any age and at any time.

We recommend that you consult a flower therapist. They can determine which blossoms are most suitable for you.

The meaning of wrinkles under the nose

Wrinkles around the mouth

These are vertical wrinkles that run from under the nose to the edges of the lips.  The meaning of wrinkles around the mouth is that they can be a sign of poor bowel function. In many cases, you may notice a sudden improvement or deterioration as a result of an acute intestinal problem such as constipation.

Advice to reduce wrinkles under the nose

  • You should follow a balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables and whole grains. These foods provide you with the fiber your gut needs.
  • When you eat more fiber, don’t forget to drink more water. This is necessary for the absorption of the fibers. If you don’t, you could make the situation worse.
  • Also try to eat chia seeds and flaxseeds. Always soak them for a few hours beforehand.
  • Kuzu is an excellent remedy to settle any intestinal ailment.
  • Agar agar gel also contributes to a stable intestinal function.
  • In urgent cases you can undergo a colonic irrigation.
  • Getting enough exercise and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle is also fundamental for a healthy gut. 

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