The Empty Seat Syndrome

While this syndrome is usually associated with the loss of a loved one, people can also develop empty seat syndrome as a result of loneliness or abandonment.
The empty seat syndrome

Empty seat syndrome usually refers to the feeling that comes when you lose a loved one. This can be your partner, a friend, your brother or sister etc.

Often this syndrome is confused with the general sadness we feel when we lose someone. However, this syndrome is called empty seat syndrome because this sadness intensifies at times and during events in your life when you should really be happy and celebrate.

Especially with important data

Empty seat syndrome is usually especially noticeable during certain holidays or important dates. Think of days like Christmas, a birthday or any other time of the year that is important to you in some way.

You can feel this empty seat syndrome while you are among people. In addition, you can experience a huge emptiness and the pain and suffering will feel completely fresh again.

The empty chair is a silent witness

The empty chair remains a manifestation of what or who you were before and are no longer. This is especially noticeable when you are surrounded by others and you suddenly realize that something is missing.


This strong feeling is part of the grieving process, something you may have experienced before.

When you lose someone who meant a lot to you, you have to go through a period where you have to learn to do without that person from now on.  This is a period of intense pain.


The grief will continue until you are able to deal with this loss and go back to your normal life without that terrible feeling of emptiness.

It is important to point out that empty seat syndrome can also occur if the person you are missing is still alive. The syndrome can also apply to other situations, such as loneliness.

When someone leaves you or leaves you, you can also suffer from empty seat syndrome , although in most cases the syndrome is related to the death of a loved one.

You experience so much, but you will get over it

While at the moment you can only look at things from a frame of pain and sadness, you will still have to deal with important holidays like Christmas – in this case there is no way to defend yourself against that pain. You have to go through the experience, but this too will be over at some point.


To get started, try the following recommendations. These recommendations might come in handy in the future:

Don’t isolate yourself and don’t stay silent

If you suffer from empty seat syndrome, you probably don’t want to talk about it and you may turn away from the people who want to help you most. You prefer to suffer in silence.

This is very unhealthy.

  • Try your best to keep interacting with others, even when you really don’t feel like it.
  • And don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
  • Sometimes we just need a listening ear and someone to pay attention to us.

Change the meaning of the empty chair

Things will always mean what you want them to mean. If your empty chair equates to sadness and loss, why not give it new meaning?

  • Try to take a closer look at the situation, try to get rid of the negative feelings that this situation has generated.
  • Make the chair your friend, not your enemy.

Ask for help if you need it

You may think you can handle everything on your own and that if you don’t fix things yourself, no one else will. However, sometimes you need a little push or some help to move forward.

  • Always try to avoid self-medication to relieve the pain you feel inside – only use medication as advised by your doctor and also try to find other ways to deal with your grief.

Why don’t you go to a psychologist? These people are experts, professionals in the field of the human mind. They will help you more than anyone else. So don’t be afraid to look for help.


Empty Seat Syndrome Acceptance

It is important to accept that people will come and go in your life, one way or another. Some people will die, others will leave you, and still others may hurt you. You have no choice but to accept all of this.

Don’t let that empty chair ruin the pleasure that makes you feel alive.

These situations will no doubt hurt, after all, we are all human – and humans have feelings! Yet you must learn to accept the things in your life that you have no control over.

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