The Benefits Of Eggplant On The Menu

Eggplant is not only a classic in any slimming diet, but also ensures proper liver function and protects your heart health.
The benefits of eggplant on the menu

An interesting fact is that the eggplant has long been considered a poisonous plant. It contains the nutrient solanine, which is only toxic if you eat eggplant raw and in large quantities. 

However, since then we learned more about the health benefits of this purple vegetable and it is considered an indispensable part of any diet if you want to lose a few pounds.

In this article you will find an overview of all the benefits that eggplant has to offer, so read on and don’t forget to put eggplant on the shopping list next time.

From now on, view this vegetable as a veritable treasure trove of healthy nutrients, which is also low in calories, so that you can without a doubt include them regularly in your slimming diet.

Moreover, the aubergine has a delicious taste and is used in many well-known and delicious recipes. There are many different ways to prepare this vegetable and below we explain why you should preferably place it on the menu two to three times a week.

The health benefits of eggplant

You can bake, stuff, grill and you can even prepare eggplant water if you want to lose weight or reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

This vegetable can be prepared in so many different ways, so you’re sure to find something to your liking among the many recipes that can be found online or in any cookbook. Prepare them regularly if you want to add a super healthy vegetable to your diet, start a course to cleanse the liver or fight anemia.

Read on to find out why the eggplant is best to become a staple of the weekly menu from now on.

1. The Nutritional Value of Eggplant

stuffed Eggplant

Stuffed aubergines are a real culinary delight and when they are combined with the right ingredients, you get a delicious and extraordinarily nutritious dish. Let’s take a look at why this recipe can do wonders for your health:

  • Eggplants are rich in iron and therefore an ideal food product for people who suffer from anemia caused by a lack of this mineral.
  • In addition, they contain high amounts of potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and folic acid, which help keep bones and bones strong. Pregnant women will certainly benefit from eating stuffed aubergines on a regular basis, as all of these nutrients also promote healthy fetal development.

2. With eggplant you build resistance to many diseases

This vegetable tops the list of plants rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanin, vitamin E and phenolic acids. A natural combination that is known to tackle the negative influence of free radicals and thereby help prevent the development of cancer in the body.

3. Eggplant is ideal if you want to detoxify

Stomach ache

Since eggplants contain so many antioxidants, enzymes and minerals, they are an ideal food to use during a detoxification cycle.

This healthy vegetable stimulates the elimination of toxins and other harmful substances that build up in the body over time if you do not always follow healthy diets or maintain a sedentary lifestyle.

The gallbladder is stimulated to produce more bile and at the same time, the eggplant protects the liver, so that it remains in optimal condition.

4. Eggplant, the protector of your heart

In addition, did you know that eating eggplant regularly is good for your heart? The discovery that this vegetable is a natural anti-angiogen and therefore reduces the development of heart disease has been studied by doctors and scientists for years.

‘What does angiogenesis mean?’, you no doubt wonder. It is the scientific name for the uncontrollable growth of new blood vessels in the body that can stimulate the development of tumors, cancer, heart disease and diabetic growths.

Eggplant on your menu can inhibit this malignant growth of cells.  Can you say ‘no’ to this?

5. An ideal ally to lose weight

To play sports

You have probably already read it: eggplant water does indeed help if you want to lose a few kilos. It ensures:

  • The reduction of fat around the waist.
  • Drifting excess fluid from the body.
  • Removing waste products from the cells.
  • A delicious and fresh, satisfied feeling.
  • The absorption of various healthy food nutrients and it also contains no or few calories.

Eggplant and flaxseed to burn fat and fight cholesterol

Flax seed

The recipe we bring to you here is one of the best ways to tackle bad cholesterol while boosting fat burning.

The combination of aubergine and linseed provides a surprisingly good result. Eggplant makes you slim and linseed is known for its cleansing effect on the veins, increasing the metabolism, balancing blood sugar and reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Recipe for eggplant water with linseed:


  • 1 medium eggplant
  • 50 grams or 2 tablespoons of linseed powder or the whole seeds
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of 1 lemon

Preparation method

This recipe is very easy and quick to prepare.

  • First bring the water to a boil.
  • Then add the eggplant chopped into wedges along with the full amount of linseed.
  • Let the drink simmer for about forty minutes at a low temperature and then wait half an hour until the aubergine drink has cooled down.
  • The next step? Pour the liquid through a sieve, add the lemon juice and pour it into a glass bottle.

When is the best time to drink this aubergine water?

  • Follow this course two days a week. Drink your first glass of eggplant water on an empty stomach and divide the next three glasses over the entire day. Wait about twenty minutes after each meal to allow the juice to take effect optimally.
  • Preferably you drink the eggplant juice at room temperature.

Start today with this healthy cure. Remember that you will see results even faster if you choose a healthy and fat-free diet!

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