The Amazing Health Benefits Of Nuts

When it comes to your health and overall wellness, nuts can provide several benefits! In this article you will learn all about it. 
The Amazing Health Benefits of Nuts

In this article, we’ll discuss the amazing health benefits of nuts. They are very healthy, but eating nuts has always been a bit of a controversial topic.

While they are a fantastic addition to their diet for some people, others see them as a calorie bomb. These people believe that nuts cause weight gain.

A large amount of nuts contains a lot of fat, which can indeed lead to weight gain. However, if you eat them in moderation, nuts can provide you with many essential nutrients. This is very good for your body!

Today, nuts are mainly seen as a healthy snack. For example, this snack can help satisfy cravings that often lead to weight gain and jeopardize your diet.

However, nuts can provide you with many more health benefits. This means it might be a good idea to include some nuts in your diet.

But why exactly are nuts so healthy and nutritious? In this article, we’ll talk about the amazing health benefits of nuts. We also tell you which types can offer you the most benefits.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Nuts

the amazing health benefits of nuts

Nuts are high in calories. However, they are also rich in a number of good nutrients that can improve your physical and mental health. 

However, if you eat nuts, make sure that they are not salted, fried or baked. Raw nuts contain the most good nutrients. This way you can enjoy the amazing health benefits of nuts even more.

For example, nuts contain a lot of:

  • omega 3 fatty acids
  • monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • fiber
  • vitamins A, B and E
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron)
  • plant sterols
  • arginine

The ideal serving of nuts for the greatest health benefits

A nut contains about 80% fat. Although for the most part this fat is considered a healthy type of fat, it is still high in calories. 

So while we can say that nuts are healthy, it is still important to eat them only in moderation. The ideal serving of nuts is never more than a hand full. 

  • You can eat nuts to replace foods that are high in saturated fats.
  • Nuts contain polyunsaturated fats, which means they can help your body eliminate harmful lipids like LDL, the bad cholesterol type.

Nuts with the greatest health benefits

The type of nut you eat doesn’t really matter. Most nuts contain many high-quality nutrients. This brings great health benefits.

1. Almonds


Almonds contain:

  • starch
  • natural sugars
  • lots of fatty acids

Almonds are considered one of the best nuts. They help you regulate your cholesterol levels and keep your cardiovascular system healthy.

2. Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are very good for you because they contain many good nutrients:

  • antioxidants
  • minerals
  • fiber
  • amino acids

It is important to eat these nuts only in small portions. If you eat them in moderation, it can be very good to include this nut in your diet. For example, they block the negative effect of free radicals.

3. Hazelnuts


Thanks to their high folic acid content, hazelnuts are a great choice for pregnant women. They can help you prevent heart disease. In addition, the high fiber content ensures that you stay full longer.

4. Peanuts

Peanuts are actually seen as a legume, but many people also see them as a nut. They can help you promote heart health and help prevent anemia. They contain:

  • folic acid
  • high quality proteins
  • isoflavone

5. Macadamia Nuts

These nuts have become popular because they are found to be very good for the heart. The nut contains many essential nutrients that can help your heart perform its normal functions. Macadamia nuts also help regulate your cholesterol levels.

6. Pistachios


Pistachios can be a great help in satisfying painful hunger between meals. They contain antioxidants and healthy fats that can reduce the risk of chronic and degenerative diseases. 

7. Chestnuts

About half of the nutritional value of chestnuts consists of carbohydrates. The fat content of this nut corresponds to the fat content of cereals.

This means that chestnuts are a bit different from other nuts. We can therefore recommend this nut if you are on a diet, because they are low in calories and yet very filling.


You can add different types of nuts to your daily diet. However, it is important to know a bit about the portions. This way you ensure that you can fully enjoy the health benefits of nuts.

  • It is best to eat nuts raw. So make sure you buy nuts that don’t contain added salts.
  • You can choose to grind nuts into a nut butter, but this is not as good for you as a raw nut. Such nut butter contains the same nutrients, but you often eat more of it, which means it provides more calories.
  • Flour made from nuts and nut milks are popular products that provide an excellent way to add nuts to your diet. However, these products also contain other ingredients, so they often also contain more calories. The nutritional values ​​may also be different. 

Have you not yet included nuts in your diet? K ies than your favorite nut and enjoy great health benefits of nuts!

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