Ten Home Remedies For Softer Heels

Do you suffer from dry, cracked heels? Then try one of these ten great natural remedies!
Ten home remedies for softer heels

Cracked heels indicate, among other things, poor foot care and dehydration. In addition, cracked heels can also have consequences for your health. Soft heels are much more hygienic and can help prevent problems in the future. There are remedies to get softer heels.

soft vs. cracked heels

Having cracked heels is a problem because this condition affects the outer layer of skin. However, the cracks can also become deeper and cause severe pain.

Cracks in the heels occur when the skin on the heels and around them becomes dry and too much pressure is applied. According to some, this problem is also caused by a deficiency of zinc and omega 3 fatty acids.

Tips for softer heels

Some of the best tips for softer heels are wearing closed-toe shoes and using moisturizer on your heels.

However, if you already have dry cracks in your heels, you can also try one of the following home remedies:

1. Pumice stone and foot bath

  • To soften your feet, soaking your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes before going to bed can help .
  • Then use a pumice stone to remove the dry skin.  Be careful not to scrub too hard on areas where the skin is already cracked.
  • In this way you can remove dead skin cells and ensure that your skin becomes a lot softer and smoother.
  • Dry your feet well afterwards. Lubricate them with a good moisturizer and put on a pair of socks.

Try to do this every night.

2. Healthy Oils

Softer heels

Sometimes a lack of hydration and dry skin are the main reasons why people suffer from cracked heels.

Vegetable oils are a very practical and helpful remedy for moisturizing the skin and preventing dryness.

  • Coconut oil and olive oil are two very good options in this case.
  • After you have oiled your feet, put on a pair of cotton socks so that the oil can do its job through the night while you sleep.

3. Vaseline and lemon juice

Lemon juice and petroleum jelly help to soften hard skin and reduce the risk of cracks in the heels.

  • To use these ingredients correctly, it is best to soak your heels in hot water with salt for 15 to 20 minutes first.
  • Then dry your feet well and lubricate your heels with a mixture of lemon juice and petroleum jelly.
  • Finally, put on a pair of socks and let the mixture do its work throughout the night.

4. Honey, a natural softener

Honey for soft heels

Thanks to the many beneficial effects of honey, this remedy can be used as a very effective skin treatment, as it helps to moisturize the skin and keep it soft.

To take advantage of these benefits, simply mix a tablespoon of honey in a bucket of warm water and soak your feet in it.

5. Paraffin Treatment

Paraffin wax is a great remedy for softening the skin on your heels. It is ideal for treating cracked heels that cause pain and discomfort.

This treatment consists of a mixture of paraffin and coconut or mustard oil.

  • Heat both ingredients to a tolerable temperature and then apply this mixture to your heels.
  • Then put on a pair of socks and let the mixture do its work overnight.

6. Rice Flour Scrub

Rice flour for soft heels
  • Make your own scrub by mixing two to three tablespoons of rice flour with some honey and apple cider vinegar.
  • First soak your feet in some warm water to soften the skin.
  • Then massage this exfoliating mixture into your heels in circular motions.

7. Oat scrub

Oats are also a natural product that has many beneficial properties for the skin on your heels. Oats not only help to get softer heels, but also make them look more beautiful.

  • To take advantage of these properties, simply mix a few tablespoons of ground oats with a little jojoba oil.
  • Then apply this mixture to your heels in circular motions and let it sit for ten minutes.

8. Yogurt and Honey Mixture

Honey and yogurt for soft heels

Another great home remedy for softer heels is a paste made from yogurt and honey.


  • 125 grams or 1 yogurt
  • 25 g or 1 tablespoon honey


  • Mix the yogurt with the honey and then apply this mixture to the hard skin under your heels.
  • For best results, repeat this process every night.

9. Mixture of baking soda and oats

You can also soften the skin under your heels by slathering your heels with a paste made from baking soda and oats.

10. Castor Oil

Castor oil for soft heels

Finally, castor oil is also a great remedy to improve the skin on your heels. However, make sure not to apply this oil to open wounds.

In this case, you should first soak a piece of gauze in a little castor oil  and then wrap this piece of gauze around your heel and stick it. 

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