Symptoms Of An Inflamed Pancreas

A clear sign of an inflamed pancreas is an acute pain after eating, while digesting or when lying on your back.
Symptoms of an inflamed pancreas

An inflamed pancreas (pancreatitis) is fairly common today. You may also find it interesting to know that it is more common in women than in men, according to doctors.

That’s why in today’s article we want to give you enough information about this condition so that you can keep an eye on it and benefit your health from it.

How does an inflamed pancreas develop?

Doctor with plastic pancreas

As you probably know, the pancreas is an organ that sits just behind the stomach. It has a very special and important function, which is to produce enzymes and chemicals that aid digestion. Also do not forget that he is involved in the synthesis of insulin.

It is certainly true that there are individuals today who can lead a fairly normal life without a pancreas, but they require constant treatment to replenish their lack of natural hormones and enzymes, which promote key bodily functions.

Therefore, it is better never to reach this point. It is worth taking care of your pancreas every day.

What are the possible causes of an inflamed pancreas?

  • The presence of gallstones. This is a classic trigger of an inflamed pancreas that you should always remember.
  • Bad Diet Habits and Leading an Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  • Having a weak immune system.
  • Suffering from metabolic problems.
  • High Triglycerides.
  • Long-term use of some medications.
  • A previous injury to the pancreas.
  • Different types of disorders, such as Reye’s syndrome or Kawasaki disease (although not very common).

Symptoms of an inflamed pancreas

Pain to watch out for

Pain can come on suddenly or come on slowly, but you will reach a point where your daily activities will be limited. Other symptoms may also accompany this discomfort, such as:

  • Severe abdominal pain that has a burning sensation and is focused on the left side below the ribs. This is the central area, but the pain will often radiate through the abdomen as a hot disk.
  • The pain is more acute after a meal or during digestion.
  • It can even reach the back and shoulders. When this is the case, it is often accompanied by nausea.
  • The pain is worse when you lie on your back. Why? The abdomen presses on the inflamed pancreas.

Nausea and vomiting

Woman with hand to forehead

This often occurs after a meal. This is when your pancreas starts synthesizing the enzymes, as you start digesting your food, but it gets blocked by the inflammation.

During the early stages of an inflamed pancreas, individuals sometimes mistake their symptoms for simple indigestion. But when the discomfort persists, it’s time to recognize the ‘red flag’ and contact your doctor.

Daily recurring headaches

Remember that your entire immune system is weakened when your pancreas is inflamed. Don’t ignore the following symptoms when you notice them:

  • Headaches that may not be very strong, but occur on a daily basis. They can potentially cause auras, dry mouth, and dizziness.
  • Fatigue is also very common. The conditions that cause an inflamed pancreas affect the entire body. Digestion is more difficult, you don’t absorb enough vitamins and nutrients and the immune system is weakened. The risk of any kind of infection or disease is very high.

How can you best take care of your pancreas?

Green juices in glasses

Taking a little better care of your entire body can help prevent pancreatitis and other pancreatic problems. If you do that, you will also take better care of your overall health and have a better quality of life.

So make use of the following tips:

  • Stop smoking. If you’re still using tobacco products, then it’s time to take a big step for your overall well-being. Your health generally improves, while in addition to a healthier pancreas, you prevent a number of serious diseases. So stop smoking today!
  • Say no to refined sugars and flour. They are the biggest enemies of the pancreas and the rest of your body. It’s true that they sweeten your food and make meals tastier, but in the long run they cause a lot of damage to the body. They just aren’t worth it.
  • Say yes to eating smarter. It is never a good idea to consume large amounts of food in one sitting. Divide your meals into five small portions per day. Try not to eat too much red meat or processed foods and remember that vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli are excellent for preventing an inflamed pancreas.
  • Say yes to certain natural juices. There is nothing better that you can add to your daily diet. Papaya, aloe vera, artichoke, mango, cabbage, carrots and beetroot are perfect for great juices, so why not try them!
  • Say yes to more fiber. Foods rich in fiber are the perfect way to start each day.
  • Say yes to watching your weight. Obesity is not good for anyone, but it is also not the case that you have to have a perfect figure without fat. Just try to maintain a healthy weight and avoid risks associated with obesity.

It is worth making these small efforts for your health.

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