Soothe Your Baby’s Stomach Ache With These Remedies

Does your baby suffer from abdominal pain? Try these four natural remedies. You can do them yourself at home.
Soothe your baby's tummy ache with these remedies

Anyone who has or has had a baby knows that abdominal pain is one of the most frustrating experiences. When a baby suffers from this, he or she cries for hours on end, even if everything seems to be fine.

They have no fever, their diapers are dry, they have just eaten and yet they continue to sob. And you can’t do anything but wonder what’s going on.

The stress is enormous. You even think you’re not a parent. You think, “I’m the adults here, shouldn’t I be in control of the situation and protect my child from disease?”

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably experienced this scene more than once. But you know what? The exact cause of abdominal pain or colic is not known.

It is actually described as crying repeatedly for extended periods during the week and without an identifiable cause.

Still, one study reveals that a proportion of children are more susceptible to this problem than other children.

And the truth is, this makes a lot of sense if we stop worrying about it for a while. Imagine the tranquility a baby experiences when in the womb and pay attention to what is happening around you.

Imagine the contrast between darkness and light, between the mother’s heartbeat and noise, and between incessant gratification and hunger… This contrast causes fear in babies, which manifests itself in the only way they know how to express themselves: crying.

That is why it is very important that we help them to relax.

Soothe your baby’s tummy ache with 4 remedies

1. Chamomile tea

Chamomile contains a compound called glucine. This element has a relaxing effect. In addition, all the components of chamomile tea are very gentle. So your baby can drink it without any problem.

  • But if you have any doubts, moisten the pacifier with the tea before letting your baby drink the tea directly.
  • If your baby tolerates it well, he or she can drink from the bottle.
  • If everything continues to go well, you can let your baby drink this tea more often.

Babies often suffer from gas. This remedy is also useful to deal with this problem.

2. Create a relaxed atmosphere

You can create a comforting atmosphere to relieve the abdominal pain but also to prevent it. Use soft light, surround your baby with this soft light and give him something nice to hold.

You can even use those recordings that show sounds that babies hear in the womb.

That way, your baby will feel in a safe place, just like when they felt in that place where everything is peaceful and quiet and where they didn’t have to exert themselves to achieve anything. Their stress will decrease with the result that they will stop crying.

  • You can put on relaxing music like Mozart or other composers if you want. Most importantly, make sure you don’t let your baby lie in the silence.
  • Remember, they didn’t know silence before they were born. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why it’s so hard for babies to sleep alone.

3. Cradle your baby

This is yet another way to symbolically take your child to that safe place they were so used to. Cradle the baby front to back with the head on your chest.

  • This move will bring them back to their first home. Because it is very similar to the movement they felt when their mother was walking.
  • By keeping their ear close to your heart, they can also feel the heartbeat that kept them company in the womb. It is a great tool to help your baby rest.

4. Give your baby a bath with warm water

Again, we’re talking about mimicking the environment in the womb. In the uterus, children are surrounded by amniotic fluid. The feeling of floating in a bath will calm them down in a wonderful way.

Here too you can use the sound recordings we talked about earlier. When you combine those two measures, your baby’s environment will actually be almost identical to the one they crave so much.

Their experience of coming into the world is quite traumatic. For example, this was the first time they had to breathe. After all, they never had to do this in the womb.

It’s their first time doing it. So it’s no surprise that some very sensitive children experience life as a hostile place that wears them out.

Although we are always with them to help them get used to their new surroundings, it is as difficult as landing on a deserted island.

The difference is that adults have words to express themselves and babies cry.

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