Soften Cracked Heels With These Treatments

To keep the skin on your heels healthy, it’s important to exfoliate the heels to remove dead skin cells before applying any treatments. In this way, the agents will absorb better into the skin.
Soften cracked heels with these treatments

Cracked heels  are a clear sign that you have neglected your feet and that the skin has become dry. There are also some conditions that can cause this problem. Usually, however, cracked heels are the result of wearing sandals or walking barefoot.

Cracked heels is the medical term for cracked heels. This condition is characterized by a dry and cracked skin surface of the epidermis and sometimes even the dermis. It can cause severe pain in some cases.

As with many other foot problems, cracked heels are ignored by most people until the problem reaches a more serious stage, when the damage to the skin is very obvious and the accompanying symptoms begin to show.

The good news is that there are multiple ways to treat this problem. They not only improve the appearance of your feet, but also the quality of your life. Are you currently experiencing this problem?

Foot bath against cracked heels

Foot bath against cracked heels

For example, try soaking your feet in some warm water for 15 to 20 minutes every night before going to bed. Then scrub them with a pumice stone. Just be careful not to injure the areas of your heel that are already cracked.

The aim is to gently rub off the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. These dead skin cells largely ensure that the skin becomes hard and dry.

Afterwards, rinse your feet and lubricate them with a good moisturizer. Go to bed with socks on so your feet stay hydrated throughout the night.

You should repeat this treatment daily until you see improvement. However, when you no longer suffer from cracks in your heels, you should still bathe your feet in warm water regularly as a precaution.

Cream of avocado and banana

This cream of avocado and banana is wonderfully soft. It will help counteract the hardness and dryness of the skin that causes your heels to crack


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 ripe banana

How do you make this cream?

Mash both ingredients and then mix them together to form a paste. Then apply this paste to your heels just like a mask. Wrap your feet in plastic wrap and let the paste do its work for thirty minutes. Finally, rinse the paste well with warm water after thirty minutes .

For best results, apply this treatment every day, or at least three times a week.

lemon scrub

Lemon scrub against cracked heels

This natural treatment is great for exfoliating dead skin cells and softening the rough skin on your heels.

If your heels are very badly cracked, you should not use this treatment. The acid in the lemon will burn very badly.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • ¼ cup sugar

How do you make this scrub?

Mix the two ingredients together to make a paste. Then moisten your feet with some warm water. Then use the paste to exfoliate the affected areas of your heels in circular motions.

Leave the scrub on the heel for ten minutes and then rinse with warm water. Repeat this treatment three times a week to see the best results.

coconut oil

This natural oil offers many benefits to take care of your skin, especially when it comes to the skin on your feet. The antibacterial properties of coconut oil can help fight athlete’s foot and the bacteria that cause unpleasant odors and swimmer’s eczema.

And because coconut oil is a wonderful moisturizer, the oil can be used wonderfully to soothe cracked heels, regenerate skin and heal calluses.

What should you do?

  • Apply a generous amount of coconut oil to the affected areas of your feet. Then rub the oil well into the skin.
  • It is best to repeat this treatment twice every day.

cocoa butter

Cocoa butter against cracked heels

Like coconut oil, cocoa butter is a great tool to care for your skin. It will help repair the skin and soothe dryness.

What should you do?

Buy good quality cocoa butter from the drugstore or health food store. Then apply the butter to your dry heels every night before going to bed.

Tips to Soothe Cracked Heels

All of the remedies we discussed above can be very helpful in soothing cracked heels, as long as you use them regularly.

Foot care against cracked heels

However, the effectiveness of these agents depends on how well you take care of your feet to improve the health of your feet.

  • Therefore, try to ensure that your feet are dry and clean.
  • After a long day, soak your feet in warm water for a few minutes.
  • Also, don’t forget to moisturize and exfoliate your feet regularly .
  • Try to avoid wearing shoes that are too tight, as well as shoes that expose your feet to the elements.
  • Try to avoid walking barefoot for extended periods.
  • After showering, apply a good moisturizer to your feet and sprinkle with some antibacterial powder to prevent athlete’s foot and odors.

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