Six Causes Of A Sore Neck You May Not Know

Many everyday things that we do unconsciously tend to cause recurring neck pain, so the solution is to change certain behaviors.
Six Causes of a Sore Neck You May Not Know

A sore neck, or neck pain, is an annoying symptom often caused by muscle contractions in this part of the body.

It starts with a strong feeling of tension and stiffness, which often makes normal head movements difficult when performing daily tasks.

It is common in people who live a sedentary lifestyle, but it can also occur in people who have office jobs or in people who perform physical activities that require a lot of strength.

Although it is not serious and usually occurs sporadically, it is essential that you know the causes of a sore neck so that you can manage and prevent it.

Also because  many people don’t know which habits can influence their development, we want to continue sharing the six most common causes.

Six Causes of a Sore Neck You May Not Know

1. Spending a lot of time in front of the computer

Lots of time behind the computer

Do you suffer from a sore neck when you sit in front of the computer for a long time? If this is the case, keep in mind that the posture your body adopts while performing this activity may be responsible for this symptom.

This is because the muscles in the area become fatigued and tense, especially if you stay in the same position for long periods of time.


  • While sitting, maintain good posture and take regular breaks to stretch your muscles.
  • Place your computer screen at a height where you don’t have to bend your neck.

2. Misusing Mobile Devices

One of the reasons that the number of patients with neck problems has increased is due to overuse and inappropriate use of mobile devices.

These devices, including phones and tablets, make us spend too much time in a bad posture.

This makes the neck muscles tense and more susceptible to injury.


  • Limit the use of these devices as much as possible.
  • If you can’t disconnect yourself, make sure you use them correctly, without hurting your body too much.
  • Do strength training to reduce muscle tension.

3. Bad Posture While Sleeping

Bad posture while sleeping

Good sleep allows us to relax our muscles and prepare for a new day.

However, if we have bad posture while sleeping, it is very likely that you will worsen the neck and back pain.


  • Keep in mind that in order to get rid of these problems, your neck needs to stay aligned with your  spine , regardless of whether you sleep on your side or on your back.
  • Your head should not be too high, as this increases the risk of injury in this area.

4. Too much weight in your backpack or bag

Be careful! Although packing your backpack and bag is a daily problem, it can be one of the causes of neck pain if you do it wrong.

Wearing a bag poorly, or putting too much weight in it, can damage the muscles in this area.


  • Do not pack your bags too heavily, especially if you have to carry them for a long time.
  • Do not wear your backpack on one side of your body.
  • Yes bag should not weigh more than 10% of your body weight, especially with children.

5. Smoking

To smoke

The toxins in cigarettes not only negatively affect the health of your lungs and heart, but also disrupt the health of your muscles over time.

They hinder the oxygen uptake of the muscles and cause dehydration and muscle pain.

If they accumulate in the body, it can be bad for your back and body. This increases the risk of a hernia, stiffness in the neck and problems with the muscles and veins.


  • Try to quit smoking as soon as possible.
  • Detox your body to get rid of the toxins in your body.
  • Avoid exposure to an environment polluted with cigarette smoke.

6. Doing Abs the Wrong Way

We cannot deny that abdominal exercises have many benefits for our body. However, if you do them wrong, they can be a cause of neck and back pain.

While you may not notice it at first, applying force to this area can irritate the muscles around the neck.


  • Focus the physical force on your stomach and not on your neck.
  • Keep your gaze up.
  • Keep space between your chin and your chest.

Do you often suffer from neck pain? If so, it’s possible that one of these daily habits is causing it.

Try to take the necessary measures to reduce it and, in addition, try to strengthen and support this area. 

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