Should You Forgive Infidelity And How Should You Do It?

Infidelity deeply damages a relationship, but is it forever? Learn how to forgive an act of infidelity and how to know if it’s worth doing.
Should you forgive infidelity and how should you do it?

The damage infidelity does to a relationship is undeniable. However, it doesn’t always mean the end. Should You Forgive Infidelity?

Read on to learn more about it. We know that you are currently depressed, angry, insecure, hurt and very confused. Infidelity deeply damages a relationship, but is it forever?

Learn how to forgive an act of infidelity and how to know if it’s worth doing.

Cheating is one of the main causes of couples breaking up. However, it is not a cause in itself. Rather, it is the result of a series of failures already present in the relationship. For that reason, one of the couple decided to give being with someone else a chance.

Why are people unfaithful?

husband is unfaithful

There is no good reason if infidelity is the result. In this act one can deal with ego, boredom or the culture of modern society screaming in our ears:

  • “It means nothing.”
  • “No one needs to know.”
  • “I won’t hurt anyone.”

Sometimes curiosity can also lead a person to look at the forbidden fruit and see what’s “out there,” without realizing that it jeopardizes the valuable and solid relationship they already have.

In the same way , cheating can also be the result of a lack of communication or a sign of the end of love. In many cases, the person is trying to fill a void that the formal relationship does not fill and is trying to satisfy a need that has not been fulfilled for whatever reason.

Is Forgiveness Worth It?

woman turns her back on man

It is, of course, very difficult to immediately regain the ability to love, trust and believe in it again.

However, after the big blow, it’s always important that you think about your feelings about how valuable the relationship is to decide whether to give it a second chance or break it off permanently.

  • If the person who betrayed you shows remorse, how much would you lose if you didn’t try again? Would you feel happier? What guarantees do you have that it won’t happen again? Did it really surprise you or did you feel like something was wrong with the relationship yourself?
  • Analyze whether or not this infidelity is permanently destroying what worked before. After a devastating hurricane, a flower can be born that is much stronger and more beautiful than the one that the wind has brutally taken away.
  • Maybe you forgive your partner as a human, but you don’t want to share a life together again. Sometimes breaking up is the best way to avoid getting hurt.

How to forgive infidelity

woman looks sad

If you have thought carefully and concluded that the best course of action is to give it another chance, then you should know that it is not easy to forgive infidelity.

However, following these steps will clear the way for you:

  • Take some time alone, to relax and meditate on the importance of trying again or not without the influence of external factors (family, friends or even your partner). Don’t let any economic issue or the thought of “what will people say” influence your decision.
  • Keep your confidence high. You don’t win with guilt. Honestly evaluate how much you have contributed to what you are experiencing. Think about what you can do about it now.
  • Make sure your partner is truly repentant and committed to solving things through hard work, even if it could take months or even years.
  • Have extensive and heartfelt conversations in which you clearly share everything you feel. This includes the extent of the pain your partner’s actions have caused. How much this has disrupted your sense of security. In addition, research very carefully why it happened.
  • After clarifying these starting points, make sure that communication with your partner is more open than before the act of infidelity.
  • Don’t obsess over the third person involved. Don’t go looking for him or her and don’t investigate his or her life.
  • Spends more time sharing common interests.
  • If you feel like you can start over, suggest moving in together again. This time, make sure you have a much more honest and committed relationship so that the painful incident doesn’t happen again.


You are the injured party, so only you know how long it will take you to heal. We’ve shown you how to forgive infidelity and how to know if it’s worth it. The final decision is yours.

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