Seven Simple Exercises To Improve Your Memory

Do you know how to improve your memory? It’s easier than you think. Learn about seven great exercises in this article here.
Seven simple exercises to improve your memory

Memory is a mental ability that allows us to learn, relate and complete daily activities in life. But what can you do to improve your memory?

It is a complicated cerebral phenomenon that allows us to store and remember information – in the short, medium and long term. This makes it possible for us to perform hundreds of tasks.

However, after years of use, its abilities deteriorate and, as a result of the changes the brain goes through, it can deteriorate significantly.

Because of this, the person begins to have trouble remembering things. Then  , over time, he may forget important information and relevant aspects of his life.

Most worryingly, the problem can gradually worsen and, in severe cases, progress to a disease such as Alzheimer’s.

Therefore, you should pay close attention to it, maintain healthy lifestyle habits and do exercises that boost your brain activity.

Discover seven simple activities that will help you do just that.

1. Learn something new to improve your memory

Learn something new to improve your memory

Learning is a process that you can do at any point in your life and, although we ignore it, it is one of the best ways to train your memory and keep it strong.

It allows the brain to get out of its comfort zone while activating mental functions that usually turn themselves off when there are no challenges to overcome.

Try to challenge yourself to avoid deteriorating this skill by doing the following:

  • Learning a new language
  • Studying a new topic
  • Learning to play an instrument
  • Looking for facts that interest you

2. Memorizing simple information to improve your memory

There is no need to learn complicated things to activate your mind.

The practice of remembering simple things is enough to strengthen your brain and its ability to take in and store information.

Try to remember something new every day, such as:

  • A phone number
  • A birthday
  • A shopping list
  • An address

Also, pick one of the days of the week to try and remember what you ate or how your work day was the days before.

3. Create mental maps to improve your memory

Create mental maps to improve your memory

Creating mental maps is a simple activity that challenges the brain while strengthening your ability to remember.

Also, this exercise is recommended for developing spatial intelligence.

  • It consists of drawing a map in your head, for example by visiting a new place.
  • Draw the entire route and try to add all the details you encounter along the way.

4. Memorize things using acronyms or an acrostic to improve your memory

An exercise as simple as an acronym or an acrostic can activate the functions of different parts of the brain. This helps to enhance the capabilities of the memory.

  • Try to strengthen the brain by designing an acrostic that adapts to a keyword you need to remember.

5. Touch things to improve your memory

Touch things to improve your memory

Visual information plays a very important role in the brain’s ability to distinguish one object from another.

By touching things you can identify subtle differences between elements. This activates and strengthens the areas of the brain that process important information.

This is why adults who lose their sight are able to distinguish the letters in Braille as the brain develops more ways to process touch.

  • A quick exercise consists of placing a coin in a bowl or purse and using only your sense of touch to determine which coin it is.

6. Working with your non-dominant hand to improve your memory

Have you ever tried to do any of your daily tasks with your non-dominant hand? Was it difficult?

Although it is not as easy as with your dominant hand, it is a very good exercise to maintain a strong and active memory.

Using the opposite side of your brain, as you do through this activity, helps to magnify the parts of the cerebral cortex responsible for processing information from the touches with your hand.

Try performing the following tasks with your other hand:

  • Write
  • Toothbrushing
  • Talking on the phone
  • Using a spoon

7. Listening to music to improve your memory

Listening to music to improve your memory

Something as simple and enjoyable as listening to music can serve as a memory exercise. It can also help you maintain good mental health.

This activity, especially when it includes classical melodies, will improve your cerebral skills regardless of your age.

The music stimulates the brain cells and also helps you to maintain optimal mental concentration, memory and auditory development.

Are you also worried about your memory? Do you feel like you have trouble remembering things? Make use of the exercises mentioned above and you will constantly enjoy the benefits they provide. 

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