Seven Iodine-rich Drinks For The Thyroid

If you want to stimulate the functioning of your thyroid gland, you will need to increase your intake of iodine. The drinks in this article not only contain many benefits for the thyroid gland, but also do not cause any adverse side effects.
Seven iodine-rich drinks for the thyroid

Do you suffer from thyroid problems ? If so, then you should definitely pay attention to the following seven recipes for iodine-rich drinks.

Iodine is an indispensable mineral for the body, as it is particularly responsible for regulating the production of thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormone plays a central role in the development of your body during periods of growth.

Getting enough iodine is also essential for people suffering from

1. Strawberry juice

One of the most delicious ways you can incorporate more iodine into your diet is by drinking strawberry juice. Just one cup of strawberries contains an average of 13 mg of iodine. The strawberry contains more iodine than any other fruit.

Since they are so sweet, these red fruits are a great option for making desserts. In this case, we would like to recommend that you make a smoothie from your strawberries that you can enjoy during breakfast, lunch or dinner.

strawberry smoothie


  • 85 gr strawberries
  • 250 ml organic milk
  • 1 ice cube

Preparation method

  • First cut all strawberries into small pieces.
  • Then process all ingredients together in a blender until you have a smooth mixture.

As you can see, this drink that is so incredibly rich in iodine is easy to make. We recommend that you don’t add sugar to keep the drink as natural as possible.

2. Cow’s milk

cow's milk

Pasteurized cow’s milk helps you get the recommended amount of iodine you need for your thyroid to function properly.

A glass of cow’s milk can contain up to 55 mg of iodine. It does not matter whether you opt for full or semi-skimmed milk. So even if you stick to a diet that is low in fat, getting iodine in this way is not a problem.

3. Cranberry juice

Cranberries, similar to strawberries, are another type of berry that is high in iodine. It’s an excellent idea to eat them if you suffer from hypothyroidism or if you just want to make your thyroid function better. Just 150 ml of cranberry juice already contains almost 400 mg of iodine.

Cranberry Smoothie

This drink not only increases the iodine levels in your body, but also helps reduce pain.


  • 30 g fresh spinach
  • 250 ml coconut milk
  • 250 ml cranberry juice
  • 1 ice cube

Preparation method

  • First put all ingredients in a blender and mix until you have a homogeneous mixture. Drink the smoothie immediately afterwards.

4. Kefir

Drinking kefir is a great way to get your daily recommended amount of iodine. You’ll get even more iodine if you mix the kefir with strawberries or blueberries.

A cup of kefir can contain about 90 mg of iodine. This means that it is always a good choice to have kefir in your fridge.

Kefir with a taste


  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 340 g organic strawberries or blueberries

Preparation method

  • First, place all ingredients except one cup of the berries in the blender.
  • Then chop the remaining berries into pieces and set them aside.
  • Then mix the ingredients in the blender until you have a homogeneous liquid and store the mixture in a glass jar or plastic container with a lid. Then add the remaining berries.

5. Blueberry juice


Blueberries are delicious and, like strawberries, are high in nutrients and minerals. If you don’t like strawberries or cranberries, opt for blueberry juice instead. A cup of blueberry juice contains around 20 mg of iodine.

6. Mango juice

Mango juice may not be the first drink that comes to mind when you think of iodine-rich drinks. Thanks to the high amount of vitamin E present, mango juice is great for boosting thyroid function.

One cup of mango provides you with about twelve percent of the recommended amount of vitamin E per day.


  • 165 g mango, chopped into pieces
  • 500ml water
  • 1 ice cube

Preparation method

First, put all the ingredients together in the blender and blend until they form a smooth liquid. Drink it immediately afterwards.

So this is a great option for hydrating yourself after exercise or on hot summer days.

7. Creamy Green Smoothie

Green Vegetables

Long, hard days at work usually affect your diet, which in turn can harm your thyroid. Therefore, we recommend the following drink, which is not only delicious, but also rich in iodine.

All of the ingredients below are high in antioxidants that remove toxins and provide you with energy.  So reason enough to give the drink a chance!


  • 20 g finely chopped seaweed
  • 1 green apple, cut into pieces
  • Half of a medium avocado
  • 250 ml coconut water

Preparation method

First mix all ingredients well in a blender and drink the smoothie immediately.

This drink makes short shrift of the idea that all green smoothies should contain spinach. Try it and see for yourself how delicious and healthy it is.

Iodine-rich drinks have countless benefits

All these iodine-rich drinks are natural, easy to prepare, delicious and naturally rich in iodine. They can give your thyroid a boost and ease the discomfort of the disorders you were already experiencing.

The usual medical treatments for hypothyroidism can cause unpleasant side effects. Thanks to the iodine-rich drinks in this article, you can supply your body with enough iodine naturally, without having to deal with unnecessary problems. If you are undergoing treatment, please consult your doctor.

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