Reuse Old T-shirts In Creative Ways

If you’re good at tinkering and you enjoy recycling old clothes and fabrics, don’t miss this article. For example, have you ever thought about what you could do with those old T-shirts in your closet?
Reuse old T-shirts in creative ways

Creative people see a way in all old stuff to breathe new life into it. Clothing, in this case, can be an excellent alternative. So learn in this article how you can reuse old T-shirts in different creative ways. 

How many times have you regretted that a T-shirt became too worn out to wear? Unfortunately, throwing the shirt away is the only thing you can do in these kinds of situations. Or not?

In this article we show you some new uses for shirts that you no longer wear. Don’t worry, they are all very simple and very applicable in everyday life.

1. Reuse old T-shirts by turning them into pillowcases

Reuse old T-shirts by making pillowcases

This is an excellent way to breathe new life into old things. All you need to do is grab a pad, preferably white, and place it on the shirt.

Then cut the shirt to the shape of the pillow, but go over it eight to ten inches on each side. Then cut the edges into rectangular strips. This way you can easily connect the two sides of your pillowcase by tying the strips together.

So you see, you can reuse old T-shirts to make pillowcases that match your bedding, sofa or curtains. The best thing about this trick is that it’s really simple: no sewing!

2. Reuse old T-shirts to make shopping bags

Did you ever think that you can also make shopping bags from shirts you no longer use? It’s very simple and the results are beautiful.

Cut the bottom of the shirt off first and save this piece of fabric. Then cut off the neck and sleeves.

Then use the piece of fabric you saved to button up the bottom of the shirt. If you know how to do it, you can also use your sewing machine for this. This will make your bag sturdier. However, if you tie a good knot in it, you should be able to carry some light items in this bag with ease.

3. Reuse old T-shirts to make bracelets

Reuse old T-shirts by turning them into jewelry

With this simple trick, your shirts can turn from an item to cover your body into an item to adorn your wrist. How are you doing this? First, cut a few strips of fabric from your shirt. It is better if you have more than one color or if you use more than one shirt to make bracelets of different colors.

Next, stretch three to six strips, depending on how good you are at braiding or how wide you want your bracelet to be, then tie one or two knots at a time. Put a heavy object on top to hold the strips in place and braid them to make a bracelet.

To top it off, you can attach a magnet to each end and cover it with a piece of fabric. If you prefer to keep it simple, you can of course just tie the ends together.

In this case we have used a bracelet as an example, but you can also use this technique to make hair bands, for example. Of course they will be informal; but they will also help you create a colorful casual look.

4. Repurpose old T-shirts to make rugs

Yes, you can use today’s favorite shirt as a rug tomorrow. While it hurts to think about, this is actually great news.

Many shirts have beautiful designs, making it difficult to just throw them away. To prevent this loss, you can also choose to reuse your shirts to make original rugs. The steps are:

  1. Cut the bottom of one or more T-shirts.
  2. Without cutting the bottom completely off, turn your shirt over and continue cutting. Like peeling an apple. Ultimately, the goal is to leave  one long strip.
  3. Stretch the strips and lay them side by side to tie them together at the bottom.
  4. Then make braids in it, so that all the strips are connected to each other.
  5. Then roll up the braid, just like a snail shell.
  6. Finally, sew them together from the middle. In this way, each braid is connected to the braid that is against it.

The more shirts you use, the more designs you can create. Don’t forget to use different colors and prints, and try to use thicker shirts to get wider and firmer rugs.

As you can see, you have no good reason at all to throw away old clothes. With a little creativity, it can all serve a different creative purpose.

One thing you already know: reuse old T-shirts to decorate yourself and your home in new ways. Cut it!

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