Removing Warts On Fingers With Five Natural Remedies

In this article, we will show you five of the best natural remedies to get rid of warts on the fingers. It won’t take much time if you use fig juice, garlic, wormwood, bananas or apple cider vinegar.
Remove warts on fingers with five natural remedies

If you want to remove warts on the fingers, you can use conventional means by going to the doctor. You can also choose to use natural remedies, although they may require a little more patience. But they have no side effects and are also inexpensive.

Standard treatments against warts on the fingers

Talk to a dermatologist if you want to remove the wart right away. The three most common treatments are:

  • to freeze
  • burn away
  • remove with a laser 

The best method to use depends on the location of the wart. Most warts are located on the fingers.

It is important to remove them as soon as possible,  even if they do not appear to be serious. That way they won’t spread over the rest of your body or any other person, especially on the hands and fingers.

Freeze wart

Remove warts on fingers with five natural remedies

1. Fig juice

Fig juice is an age-old and effective remedy for warts on the fingers. The best part is that it costs nothing. But not everyone has access to a fig tree. You can extract the white sap  by picking a fig from a fig tree. It is sticky and contains latex, among other things.

  • Apply a drop of the juice to the wart and cover it with gauze, without pressing it. Leave it in for eight hours.

Use a fresh, freshly picked fig every time. Use this remedy for a week until the warts on the fingers are gone.

2. Garlic

Garlic against warts

Garlic is one of the most commonly used natural remedies for removing warts from the fingers. It is easy to touch and has no side effects like most chemical treatments. Garlic is a very effective antibiotic and disinfectant.

  • Cut off a small piece of the garlic, the same size as the wart. This is important because garlic is so powerful that it can irritate the healthy skin around the wart.
  • Apply the piece of garlic to the wart and keep it there with a bandage. Change it every 24 hours until the wart is gone.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a remedy that you can use for everything. It is used in many health and beauty treatments and it is also good for hygiene.

The acids and enzymes of vinegar have cleansing properties that are good against warts. Therefore, you can remove them easily and effectively.

  • Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the wart before going to bed.
  • Put a bandage on it so you can’t rub it off.
  • Wash your skin the next morning and repeat the treatment that evening.

4. Banana Peel

Before you throw away a banana peel, you should know that they have very good properties. They contain salicylic acid, which makes them a good remedy for warts. You need a banana peel that is not too green, but also not too ripe.

  • Rub the inner part of the peel on the wart several times a day.
  • Keep it on the wart overnight with a bandage.

This remedy should work within a few days.

banana peel

5. Wormwood

Chinese medicine uses an ancient remedy known as moxibustion or moxa to remove warts on the fingers and body. A type of cylinder made from dried wormwood is used, which is held close to the skin  to create a localized heat. In addition, it can be used against a number of medical conditions.

This method can also be used to remove warts almost instantly. But  only a professional in Chinese medicine should do this. The advantage is that it is much less aggressive than standard medical methods.

Now you have no excuse not to get rid of those warts on the fingers, using one of these natural remedies.

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