Remove Cholesterol From The Veins

Lemon has a purifying effect and stimulates the removal of fats and toxins present in the bloodstream.
Remove cholesterol from the veins

Cholesterol is a type of fat that sticks to the walls of the arteries. It poses a major risk to one’s health. Although the body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to function properly, an excess of bad cholesterol puts a person at greater risk of heart disease or stroke, among many other cardiovascular problems.

Controlling our cholesterol levels largely depends on the type of food we eat. A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and water can help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of more serious health problems.

That’s why it’s important to eliminate foods rich in cholesterol from your diet. You should also do this with foods that cause an accumulation of fat in the veins.

Fortunately, in addition to learning healthy eating habits, you can also use a number of natural remedies that can help control cholesterol and aid in the elimination of fat and toxins present in the bloodstream.

In this article, we share a great natural remedy of garlic and lemon. This will help clear the veins and improve circulation.

What does this natural remedy for cholesterol consist of?


While many different types of medications exist today that can help control high cholesterol, many experts continue to recommend natural remedies to treat this problem.

It has been proven that medicines can have many side effects, while natural remedies offer many health benefits.

In this case, the natural remedy for clearing the arteries and lowering cholesterol is garlic and lemon – two ingredients, both of which provide important nutrients that encourage the elimination of any waste that can negatively affect health.

Benefits of garlic

Garlic is known as the best natural antibiotic to use. This product has been part of people’s diets for a long time, as it not only adds great flavor to our dishes, but also provides important nutrients that can benefit our health.

Studies conducted in India and other countries around the world show that consuming garlic can reduce the risk of developing arteriosclerosis and hypertension, as well as providing other important benefits for heart health.

  • It is a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • It also widens the blood vessels and has a detoxifying and anticoagulant effect.
  • It also has  antiseptic and antibiotic properties.
  • It dilates the veins, thereby promoting the elimination of cholesterol and improving circulation.
  • It protects the heart.
  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It helps raise insulin levels, which lowers blood sugar levels.

Benefits of lemon

Lemon is an extremely medicinal product due to the high amount of nutrients it contains, which can help treat and prevent many diseases.

The lemon is known for its high vitamin C content and in addition, the fruit also contains antioxidants and nutrients such as B-complex vitamins, vitamin E and several minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron and manganese.

With regard to cholesterol levels and the health of the veins, lemon has a detoxifying effect and is able to stimulate the elimination of fats and toxins present in the bloodstream.

The citric acid can help oxidize and remove the fat in the arteries, preventing it from sticking to the artery walls and causing a narrowing.

Remedy to cleanse the veins and remove cholesterol

remove cholesterol with garlic

This garlic and lemon medicine has become very popular all over the world in recent years after it was proven to be an effective way to lower cholesterol and strengthen the immune system.


  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 4 small lemons
  • 3 liters of boiled and distilled water


First, clean the garlic and chop it finely. Slice the lemons and mix them in a bowl with the garlic. Pour the lukewarm water over the garlic and lemon mixture. Then mix the ingredients together in the blender until a smooth liquid is formed.

When the mixture is ready, transfer it to a glass bowl and refrigerate for three days. After three days you pour it through the sieve before it is ready to use.

Amount of

It is best to drink 50 ml of this remedy three times a day, before a meal. It is recommended, however, to build this up gradually. Start by taking one or two tablespoons three times a day before each meal.

Apply this cleanse once a year, taking the remedy for forty days in a row.

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