Remedies For Colored And Damaged Hair

Colored and damaged hair causes a lot of annoyance. Fortunately, you can do something about it.
Remedies for colored and damaged hair

Many women like to change their hair color every now and then. We also often damage our hair by using straighteners, hair dryers or chemical products. But how do you heal or improve damaged hair?

Don’t worry, because in this article we give you some recipes to keep your hair shiny.

How to take care of colored and damaged hair

We all know it: when your hair is just colored it looks perfect and shiny. But after a few washes it can already become dry and dull and take on a pale hue. This creates a headache as the hair becomes rough and uncomfortable. What can you do about this?

We are going to list here some homemade recipes that treat both colored and damaged hair. So be sure to take notes. 

A mask of aloe vera and beer

aloe vera

Does this surprise you? Yes, you read it right. Believe it or not, barley works perfectly to repair your hair and above all give it a renewed shine.

It is a simple recipe, which is well known by celebrities. The properties of the beer, combined with the restorative power of aloe vera, make this mask a product that you should use at least twice a week.

What do you need?

  • Half a glass of beer
  • Two stems of aloe vera
  • A tablespoon of olive oil


Very easy. Take half the glass of beer and squeeze the pulp of the aloe vera into it. Try mixing the ingredients together with the tablespoon of olive oil.

This may seem difficult at first, but if you keep stirring, the ingredients will eventually mix. Then apply the mixture to the hair and then massage the head from roots to ends for 15 minutes. Afterwards, wash the mask off with warm (never hot) water.

Repeat this treatment two to three times a week.

Treatment with mayonnaise


This is without a doubt a very classic remedy, but no less effective. It is a bit pricey, so it’s best to only do this once a week. The presence of egg and vinegar in the sauce makes it a perfect hair product.

In addition, the mayonnaise also gives the hair a shiny layer, a natural moisture content and strength.


To discover the benefits of this simple yet fantastic mask, simply apply the mayonnaise to damp hair. Leave it on for half an hour and then rinse it thoroughly with warm water. Your hair will shine!

avocado mask


Another classic. Avocado is without a doubt one of the best remedies for not only restoring your skin but also making it look younger. It also helps to heal your hair and make it healthy, shiny and colorful again.

Split ends are repaired and dry and frizzy hair is soft again. Avocado is an excellent option and will give your hair the vitamins and beauty you crave.


To make this mask you need to crush the pulp of a ripe avocado. Then add a tablespoon of wheat germ oil to it. Use a fork for this.

Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on for an hour. Rinse it off with warm water afterwards.

Remedy with apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar

We’ve all heard about the versatile and wonderful uses of apple cider vinegar. So you can also use it and it is even renowned in the beauty sector. To repair and care for hair damaged by coloring, you can make a rinse with apple cider vinegar.

The vinegar will restore the acidity of your hair, making it shine again and eliminate dandruff.


Another very simple recipe. Take half a glass of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with half a glass of water. Use a spray bottle to apply it all over your hair.

Leave it on for fifteen minutes before rinsing your hair with warm water.

General advice to care for colored and damaged hair

dyed hair
  • Try not to color your hair more than twice a month. If you want to change your hair color, do it slowly and avoid hair colors that contain too much ammonia.
  • Use shampoo made especially for colored hair.
  • Also avoid rinsing your hair with too hot water. It is always better to rinse your hair with warm water to avoid damaging your hair.
  • Using flat irons, curling irons or hair dryers greatly affects the health of your hair. Only try to use them at a lower temperature when you want to dry your hair.
  • The sun also affects your hair. Try to use appropriate protective products.

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