Recipes That Would Be Good For The Colon

If you want to keep your colon clean and healthy, you need to include plenty of high-fiber foods in your diet. Fiber promotes digestion and helps to remove waste products.
Recipes that would be good for the colon

The main task of the large intestine is to store, process and excrete waste that the body does not need. A healthy gut equals a healthy body.

A healthy gut ensures that the other essential organs in the body can function properly and are not overloaded because toxins build up.

You will find a lot of articles on the internet (even on this website!) that advise you to clean your intestines. The idea that you have to cleanse your colon has become popular again in recent years thanks to marketing.

Such claims, unfortunately, are usually completely wrong and based on quackery. However, science hasn’t even shown evidence of such a colon cleanse yet. Not to mention the potential health risks.

It is true that certain foods could benefit the health of your intestines. Ultimately, that varies from person to person. So always consult your doctor before trying natural remedies.

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8 myths about wine

3 simple recipes that would be good for the colon

1. Aloe vera and lemon juice

aloe vera

This is a very easy recipe that would be good for the colon. According to scientific research, lemon could lower the risk of colon cancer, while aloe vera would be good for irritated intestines.


  • 2 aloe vera leaves
  • 5 lemons
  • 5 teaspoons honey
  • 1 liter of water


  • Cut the pulp of the aloe vera into pieces and then mix it with the lemon juice, water and honey.
  • Blend everything in a blender for a few minutes and then transfer the mixture into a glass container.
  • Put it in the fridge and drink it on an empty stomach.

2. Salad with various vegetables

This delicious salad contains various vegetables that not only taste delicious, but also have a positive effect on the good bacteria in your intestinal flora. So why not try making this salad yourself tonight?


  • 1 ½ cup red cabbage
  • Half an onion (chopped)
  • 4 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
  • A sprig of chopped or sliced ​​celery
  • ½ cup turnip
  • 3 medium carrots
  • 2 apples with skin (julienne sliced)
  • ½ cup zucchini (julienne sliced)
  • ½ cup cooked summer squash
  • Fennel seeds, 1 tablespoon basil, 1 tablespoon oregano, 1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger, ¼ tablespoon rosemary leaves, ½ tablespoon thyme, 2 tablespoons savory, and 2 tablespoons mint
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons chili sauce


  • Mix all ingredients together to make a salad.
  • Add the herbs and season with lemon, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and chili sauce.

3. Strawberry and pineapple smoothie

cup with a smoothie


Thanks to the bromelain in pineapple, this smoothie works great as an anti-inflammatory, which can be good for the health of your gut. The effects of strawberries have only recently been described in research, but they are also said to work against inflammation.


  • 6 strawberries
  • 1 slice of fresh pineapple


  • Put all the ingredients together in the blender and add some water to mix them all together.
  • Blend the ingredients for a few minutes until they form a liquid.
  • Drink this smoothie on an empty stomach if possible. 

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