Purifying Your Body With Strawberry Lemon Water

By combining the cleansing properties of lemon and strawberry, we can create the perfect drink to detoxify our bodies, keep ourselves healthy and keep our organs functioning optimally.
Purify your body with strawberry lemon water

Purifying your body and pursuing a healthy lifestyle – these are things that are becoming increasingly popular. Even though we do everything we can to avoid it, we all come into contact with all kinds of toxins in one way or another. If these build up in our body , this can lead to serious problems.

These particles are in the air and in many foods. Moreover, the chemical products we use every day are full of them.

Our organs are constantly working to filter these substances from our blood. Yet often remnants remain that pose a risk to our health.

Therefore,  naturally purifying your body is crucial to be able to break down these toxins. In addition, these purification methods often provide us with all kinds of healthy nutrients, so that the negative effect of the toxins is kept to a minimum.

Strawberry lemon water is an ideal way to purify the body. In addition, it has all kinds of health benefits and contains almost no calories.

So do you dare to try it?

Strawberry lemon water will purify your body

Purify your body: belly

Strawberry lemon water is rich in antioxidants and other necessary nutrients. Once absorbed into the blood, these help to detoxify the body.

  • These ingredients protect cells from the damage of toxins. In addition, they support all kinds of organs such as  the liver, kidneys and intestines.
  • This drink is packed with vitamins A, B and C. These vitamins are necessary to maintain the immune system. In addition, they also prevent inflammation and attack germs.
  • This drink contains many essential minerals that balance the electrolytes in the body. This is especially helpful after an unbalanced period such as diarrhea or too much physical activity.
  • It promotes the excretion of heavy metals such as mercury and lead.

It also aids in the absorption of nutrients. In addition, it regulates intestinal peristalsis over time so that constipation can be avoided.

Purify your body: lemon and strawberry

But that’s not all!

  • This drink is slightly alkaline, which lowers the acidity of the blood.
  • The many antioxidants in strawberry lemon water  may help prevent cancer. Don’t expect miracles, but it can certainly reduce the risk of tumors.
  • In addition to excreting harmful toxins, this drink also purifies the blood vessels by removing harmful fats such as LDL cholesterol.
  • The soluble fiber helps the body improve the absorption of complex carbohydrates. These in turn ensure a balanced blood sugar level.
  • In addition, this drink is an excellent source of energy for the body. This allows you to do more work mentally and physically without needing a lot of calories.
  • It also plays a role in balancing the nervous system. A balanced nervous system reduces anxiety, stress and other emotional problems.
  • As if all this wasn’t enough, strawberry lemon water is also excellent for the skin. It keeps the skin clean and prevents signs of premature aging.

How do you prepare strawberry lemon water?

Purify your body: strawberries

Strawberry lemon water is a refreshing drink that is great for hot days or when you want to purify your body.

It consists exclusively of natural ingredients. In order to enjoy all the benefits, it is better not to add sugar or sweeteners.


  • 6 strawberries
  • 2 cups of water (400 ml)
  • the juice of half a lemon
  • 2 mint leaves
  • ice cubes (to your taste)


  • Wash the strawberries thoroughly and cut them in half.
  • Bring a glass of water to a boil, remove from the heat and add the strawberries.
  • Let rest for 15 to 20 minutes or until cool.
  • Then put the mixture in a food processor along with the lemon juice and the rest of the water.
  • Once mixed, you can add as much ice cream as you like. Decorating with some mint leaves is also an option.

Instructions for intake

  • To purify your body, drink a glass of strawberry lemon juice on an empty stomach. Repeat this mid-afternoon.
  • Drink this drink for 8 to 10 days. Make sure you also follow a low-calorie and low-fat diet at the same time.
  • It is also possible to include this 2 to 3 times a week in your normal diet.

Would you like to try this purifying drink? If your stomach feels bloated or if you feel like you’re carrying a lot of weight, your body may be craving to be purified.

Prepare this drink at home and enjoy its many benefits. After all, it will purify your body of all waste that poses a threat to your health.

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