Purify And Revitalize Your Pancreas

Years of heavy drinking, high levels of fat in your blood, and taking certain medications can increase your risk of acute pancreatitis. Take these measures to prevent damage to the pancreas.
Purify and revitalize your pancreas

Cleaning your pancreas and taking good care of it is very important. You do this, for example, through a healthy diet, physical activities and meditation.

Most of the time we don’t really pay much attention to this important organ. After all, we often don’t even know exactly where it is! However, this forgotten organ does a lot for our body and therefore deserves to be compensated for this in one way or another.

Read on for more advice on clearing and revitalizing your pancreas.

Important information about the pancreas (things you may not know)

This organ is located behind your stomach. More precisely, your pancreas is located on the left side of your abdomen. The organ is light brown in color and is responsible for the production of insulin. All in all, this hormone is very important because it regulates the storage of nutrients. Finally, the pancreas has two functions:

  • Endocrine Function:  First, it regulates blood sugar and glucagon levels.
  • Exocrine Function: Second, it produces pancreatic juice to aid digestion.

Clearing an unhealthy pancreas

When the pancreas is not healthy, when the organ malfunctions or is weakened, the organ cannot perform its functions properly. This can be caused by pancreatitis or diabetes and in more severe cases even pancreatic cancer.

Things that are not good for this organ are, for example:

  • Animal fats: especially milk and red meat.
  • Fried foods:  include chips, burgers, and pizza.
  • Refined foods: refined flour and sugar.
  • Processed food: chemical additives, preservatives, dyes etc.
  • Cigarettes
  • Alcoholic beverages

This is how you purify your pancreas

You have probably already realized how important this organ is for your body. Therefore, you must take good care of your pancreas and purify and revitalize the gland. Here’s some advice to protect your pancreas:

Maintain a healthy diet

You have just been able to read which foods can be harmful to your health and in particular your pancreas. So you already have an idea of ​​what we mean by ‘a healthy diet’. By way of illustration, the following foods should definitely not be missing from your diet:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • nuts
  • whole grains
  • Fresh juices
  • Herbal teas
  • Water

Eat purifying foods


These include:

  • Ginger
  • artichokes
  • Ponytail
  • brewer’s yeast
  • aloe vera

Use olive oil

One teaspoon of olive oil for breakfast also helps clear your pancreas. Then immediately drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice.

Stay physically active


Yoga and Tai Chi are great for maintaining good blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body. In addition, these sports can help to strengthen pancreatic function, as well as the function of other important organs.

It’s also a good idea to do some cardio exercise, such as cycling, running, swimming, or walking. Say goodbye to your sedentary lifestyle.

Cleansing diet for your pancreas

To maintain this purifying diet (the diet lasts 11 days), you will have to give up a few foods. These foods are poisonous to your pancreas. By doing this you help prevent problems.

Day 1

  • Eat a citrus fruit in the morning.
  • For lunch, eat a raw salad with a bowl of vegetable soup.
  • For dinner, eat a plate of steamed vegetables drizzled with a little lemon juice and some olive oil.

Day 2

On the second day of this diet plan, you should eat only fruits and vegetables, only raw.

  • Eat another citrus fruit first in the morning.
  • Then a salad in the afternoon.
  • Finally an apple in the evening.

Day 3, 4 and 5

On these days you only eat vegetables. And it is best to eat these raw in the form of a salad, but you can also steam or grill the vegetables. In any case, never try to cook or bake them. Season the vegetables with some lemon juice and a little olive oil.

Between your meals, you can eat some celery, a carrot or a tomato.

Day Six to Eleven

  • Fruit juice for breakfast.
  • Steamed vegetables for lunch.
  • Vegetable soup and a salad for dinner.
  • Fruit juice before going to sleep.

Purifying diet for the pancreas

This diet lasts for a week. This diet plan not only includes instructions on what you should eat, but also some activities that you should perform. The diet plan is based on the following biological cycles in your body:

  • From four in the morning to twelve o’clock in the afternoon: purify
  • Between noon and 8:00 PM: abort
  • From 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.: Metabolic Analysis


Your daily exercise will consist of:

  • Fifteen minutes of walking at a moderate pace. Breathe deeply in and out. If possible, it is best to try to do this in the early morning hours.
  • Practice meditation, prayer, or philosophy for at least five minutes. We recommend that you try to do this twice a day: when you wake up in the morning and at night before you go to sleep.


Following is the purifying diet:

Prepare your breakfast in advance so it’s ready when it’s time for breakfast (after exercise).


  • 1 cup rice or oatmeal
  • ½ cup roasted grains
  • 1 handful of kombu seaweed


First, put all the ingredients together with a pinch of salt in a small pan and let them boil for five minutes. Wait two hours before draining the water and eating your breakfast.



Eat your lunch after noon. It will provide you with enough energy to last throughout the day.


  • 1 cup roasted grains (either rice, quinoa, millet)
  • 1 tablespoon low-sodium gomasio (or pumpkin seeds)
  • 3 portions of vegetables (onions, leeks, carrots, turnips, pumpkin…)


Make a stew with a little water, making it thick. Eat up to two large bowls.

Evening meal

Same as lunch, only you can only have one bowl at dinner.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. You can also drink natural herbal infusions.

Remember that a poor diet, lack of exercise, high levels of stress and a sedentary lifestyle are the biggest obstacles to maintaining good health, especially for a healthy pancreas. Try to live a calmer and healthier life and enjoy all the beauty this will offer you.

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