Oatmeal For Treating Arthritis

Oatmeal is in the disc of five and offers an unexpected perk.
Oatmeal For Treating Arthritis

We’ve talked about the benefits of oatmeal before. Nutritionists call it a superfood that you should include in your diet, not just for your health, but for the health of your entire family.

You may choose to eat oatmeal to lose weight or lower your LDL cholesterol. Today we want to talk about the people who suffer from arthritis.


This is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition that affects your daily life, but you can find relief by consuming oatmeal. Do you want to know why? Read on and we’ll explain.

Oatmeal, the king of grains when it comes to arthritis pain relief


Oatmeal is one of the foods richest in vitamins and minerals, with the most energy you can find in nature. That’s why it has been one of the most loved grains for centuries and best known today.

The reason this food can help treat arthritis is that it is one of the best foods for reducing inflammation. Thanks to its high content of vitamin B6, it is ideal for reducing pain and relaxing the tissues around the joints.

Oatmeal can also help repair cartilage and nourish the tissues of the muscles and bones. All this is due to its great nutritional value.

A wide variety of nutrients

Just look at the nutrients per 100 grams:

  • 11.72 grams of protein
  • 9.67 grams of fiber
  • 55.70 grams of carbohydrates
  • 342mg phosphorus
  • 5.80mg iron
  • 80mg calcium
  • 355mg potassium
  • 7.70mg iodine
  • 8.40mg sodium
  • 0.17mg vitamin B2
  • 3.37mg Vitamin B3
  • 0.9mg vitamin B5
  • 0.69mg vitamin B6
  • 13 grams of vitamin B7
  • 0.9 grams of vitamin B9
  • 0.7 grams of vitamin B12
  • 30mg vitamin C
  • 0.84mg vitamin E

As you can see from this list  , oatmeal contains high amounts of the most essential nutrients –   especially the types of B vitamins that are associated with bone disease, inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.

It is also a natural diuretic

Another interesting fact to note is that oatmeal is a great natural diuretic and thereby helps to eliminate all the toxins and excess fluids that accumulate around the joints. These are gradually removed through the urine, giving you a better quality of life.

And don’t forget that it’s also high  in fiber. This helps to cleanse the intestines and remove the remaining toxins. A body that is free of toxins is more resistant to inflammation, water retention and infection. You can achieve all of this by eating a bowl of these cereal flakes with your breakfast.

Consumption Of Oatmeal To Reduce Pain From Arthritis

First, you should know that if you experience swelling after eating oatmeal,  you should see your doctor.  This is a rare reaction in healthy adults, but it can be because you have an allergy to oatmeal, gluten or a certain type of protein. If you notice this inflammation occurring every time you eat oatmeal, talk to your doctor.

But as we said, this is rare and that is why it is eaten at the breakfast of millions of people.

How should you eat oatmeal?

Oatmeal with Banana

First, you should only eat 100% natural oatmeal that you can buy in health stores, because what is prepackaged in the supermarkets is not always healthy.

  • Do not mix oatmeal with cow’s milk. Cow’s milk can make inflammation worse and is not recommended if you have arthritis. So try mixing it with water or almond milk.
  • The best way to eat it for breakfast is to mix it with apples and bananas. And don’t forget to add a little honey – it’s perfect for treating arthritis.

External oatmeal treatment

oatmeal bags


  • 100 grams oatmeal (the kind sold in health food stores)
  • 50ml water
  • 20 grams of honey


  • First, make a warm paste by mixing the ingredients in a bowl.
  • It should be thick enough to apply to the areas where you are experiencing joint pain.
  • Next, make sure the water is warm, even a little hot, but not so hot that it could burn you.
  • Apply it on the affected areas for twenty minutes and then rinse with fresh water.

This  hot/cold treatment works well to reduce pain and inflammation.

It only brings temporary relief, but the most important thing you can do is  eat it every day.  Your health will improve quickly.

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