New Method To Treat Arthritis

Learn more about arthritis, an inflammation of the joints that can be caused by, for example, rheumatic diseases.
New method to treat arthritis

Inflammation of the bones is usually associated with older age, but arthritis can occur at any age.  Symptoms such as chronic pain or skeletal deformity, all consequences of arthritis, can therefore appear at a very early age, even if you are only 20 years old. So we can be sure that arthritis is not a disease of old age, since it also occurs in young people. It is therefore evident that many people are looking for ways to treat arthritis.

If you suffer from the disease, it can seriously affect your normal life.  Since the chronic pains are very hard to bear.

Serious Consequences of Arthritis

In severe forms of arthritis, patients may also experience anxiety disorders or depression. These additional consequences arise because  people often know little about the disease in addition to the physical consequences. As a result, the affected people bottle up their feelings and end up with a feeling of loneliness and sadness.

However, a definitive solution to the problem does not yet exist

But scientists have discovered a new way to better treat arthritis. This method reduces inflammation and improves the quality of life of those who are confronted with the disease every day.  This study was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Queen Mary University Offers New Method to Treat Arthritis

Arthritis in the Hands

The usual protocol in diagnosing a disease is to prescribe medication. At the same time , doctors also recommend trying alternative therapies in addition to the medication. The most popular therapies are:

  • Gay therapy
  • Meditation
  • Heat and cold technology
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage

All these methods help to reduce the pain. However, it is rare that the pain disappears completely.

The University of London

Scientists from the University of London have now come out with a new way to treat arthritis. Before the presentation of their research, it was impossible to reach the cartilage, where the problem of arthritis is located, but this group of researchers has found a solution. They succeeded in this thanks to  “exosomes”, which move through the cells until they reach the cartilage. 


Arthritis in the Hand

The wondrous exosomes are tiny subcellular structures

These are part of the cellular membrane and contain a liquid. What makes them so great is that they are usually found in the white blood cells of the inflamed joints of people suffering from arthritis. So we can say that  the white blood cells bring more than 300 proteins to the aforementioned structures to protect the cartilage.

The new way to treat arthritis still has room for improvement

joint pain

The new therapy was first tested on rats, with great success. After this, the team in London stated that several new opportunities are being created thanks to this research. The next step will be that they will add other components, such as omega 3, among others, to increase the coverage.

According to Stephen Simpson, the director of Arthritis Research UK and co-author of the study, this discovery will lead to the design of the most effective treatment known to date and will make a world of difference for patients. .

  • Another advantage of the new treatment is that the patients barely have to spend one day in the hospital to complete the transfusion.  
  • After that, they can just return home and get on with their lives without further impediments.
  • In addition, the infused fluid may help the bones to repair.

A revolutionary innovation

Painful Knee

If they live up to their expectations, we will come very close to fighting a disease that affects millions of people around the world.

This study also demonstrates the benefits of invention and innovation in healthcare.

The findings are not only good news for those who suffer from the disease, but in the long run they will also mean huge savings for health care. After all, this means that it will be much easier to fight and eradicate the pain.

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