Natural Remedies To Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is a metabolic disorder that mainly affects women. This condition is not necessarily associated with being overweight, it also occurs in slim women.
Natural Remedies To Reduce Cellulite

In this article, we will provide some  remedies to reduce cellulite naturally. The health risks of cellulite are not serious, but it can cause other problems in some cases. It is mainly an aesthetic problem that can affect self-esteem.

What Causes Cellulite?

Causes of Cellulite

Your skin ensures that your body maintains the right temperature. It protects the body from external attacks.

It is composed of three layers, each with its own specific functions:

  • epidermis
  • dermis
  • hypodermis

The last layer mentioned is the one that contains the cells that generate fat, called adipocytes. These collect fat to regulate body temperature.

When the fats are not drained regularly and you gain weight, the fat cells push against your skin and form small clumps or bulges. You can see these on the outside of your skin.

Cellulite is formed by:

  • Poor circulation
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle
  • Hereditary Factors

Types of Cellulite

General cellulite

cellulite is common in obese women

This form is common in women who are obese and have unhealthy dietary habits. It starts in childhood and gets worse in adulthood.

It causes aesthetic changes, mainly on you:

  • Hips
  • belly
  • thighs
  • legs

Localized Cellulite

This form of cellulite is characterized by the presence of intense pain in a specific part of the body, which makes it more complicated. It mainly occurs in the abdomen, back, glutes and arms.

Soft cellulite

This is a form of cellulite that causes the skin to become looser and jelly-like. It is clearly visible and may be accompanied by fatigue and a feeling of weakness. It can cause other problems such as insomnia and varicose veins.

Edema cellulite

This type has the same symptoms as the other types of cellulite, but also comes with high fluid retention. This is also known as  edema  . This means that your body retains a lot of fluid. It can occur in women of all ages.

Hard Cellulite

This type of cellulite makes your skin more consistent and tough. It usually occurs in young women and athletes, whose tissues are firm and well-defined.

The cellulite forms gradually and should be treated as soon as it appears. Over time it evolves and it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of it.

  • Keep in mind that an unbalanced diet high in calories will increase your weight.
  • With cellulite, the number of fat cells increases.
  • A balanced diet and plenty of water will help you to remove toxins and reduce cellulite.
  • To eliminate cellulite, you should always remember what caused it. Don’t just look at the symptoms.

Natural Remedies To Reduce Cellulite

For the treatment and reduction of cellulite, there are several homemade, natural remedies. These can help with stubborn cellulite if you feel like you can’t reduce or eliminate it.


Avocados are rich in nutrients that moisturize your skin

Avocados are fruits rich in nutrients that moisturize your skin.


  • 1/2 avocado
  • 2 tablespoons oats (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (32 g)

Preparation method

  • Wash the avocado well and cut it in half.
  • Then, using a spoon, scoop the flesh from the skin and pit.
  • Put everything in a bowl and mash it until it forms a paste.
  • Then add the oats and olive oil and mix well until you have a homogeneous paste.
  • Apply it to the areas of your body where you have cellulite. Massage gently with your fingers and then let it sit for 20 minutes. Then remove it and wash the skin with cold water.
  • You can repeat this treatment three times a week to achieve good results.


natural remedy to reduce cellulite

Caffeine is one of the best products to combat cellulite. Coffee can be used for a simple treatment that is very effective.


  • 1/2 cup ground coffee beans (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons salt (30 g)
  • 1/4 cup almond oil (50 g)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (50 g)

Preparation method

  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl and form a homogeneous paste.
  • Then apply the paste to the cellulite areas every day.
  • You can apply this while taking a bath or just before.

seaweed bath

seaweed is good for your skin

Seaweed is a great product to fight cellulite because of its regenerative properties for your skin.


  • 50 g dried seaweed
  • Water (enough to fill a bathtub halfway)

What to do

  • First add hot water to the bath until it is half full.
  • Then add the seaweed and let it soak for 3 minutes.
  • Then take a bath for 15-20 minutes. This ensures a gradual decrease in your cellulite problem.
  • Take a seaweed bath twice a week.

lemon extract

Lemon juice to combat cellulite bomb


  • The zest of 2 lemons, preferably organic
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (100 g)

Preparation method

  • Wash and peel the lemons.
  • Then cut the peels into small pieces and put them in a small clean jar.
  • Then add the extra virgin olive oil.
  • Close the jar tightly and leave it in a cool, dark place for 10 days.
  • After 10 days, strain and dilute with a similar amount of olive oil.
  • This extract should only be used at night, as the citric acid can cause sunburn if your skin is exposed to the sun.
papaya and honey against cellulite

Also papaya offers a natural remedy to reduce cellulite. The sugar granules exfoliate your skin and the papaya stimulates the production of collagen and eliminates dead cells.


  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar (30 g)
  • 1 cup fresh papaya (200 g)

Preparation method

  • Wash and peel the papaya and then puree it into a paste.
  • Add the brown sugar and then mix well.
  • Apply it immediately or save it for another use. Remember to cover the jar tightly after use to prevent it from coming into contact with air.
  • Then gently massage the cellulite area in circular motions and then let it rest for 20 minutes.
  • You can repeat this process 3 times a week.

Dry brushing

Dry brushing is good for the skin

Brush the area where you have cellulite to improve circulation. This helps you open the pores and eliminates toxins in your body that can cause cellulite.

  • Perform this procedure when your skin is dry. Do this  before taking a shower or bath.
  • Make long, upward strokes, toward your heart.
  • You can also make gentle, circular motions so as not to irritate your skin.

The brush should preferably be made of natural bristles, be slightly stiff and have a handle to make brushing easier.

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