Milk Of Magnesia – What Is It And What Can You Do With It?

Milk of magnesia is known as an antacid. In addition, this substance is also a good means to care for the skin and also to make it less greasy.
Milk of magnesia - what is it and what can you do with it?

Milk of magnesia is also known as milk of magnesia. The commercial name is magnesium hydroxide and it is available without a prescription. It is used to neutralize excess stomach acid. For decades, this substance has been the most widely used antacid in the world.

Not only because it is very effective, but also because you can get it in almost any pharmacy, as a pill or as a liquid. It’s not a bad idea to stock it in your medicine cabinet.

Most people use it to relieve stomach problems. Take milk or magnesia (magnesium milk) in moderation and preferably according to your doctor’s advice.

However, you can also use magnesium milk for many other things. Maybe you already know some of them? In any case, we tell you 7 alternative ways to use this great supplement.

1. Milk of magnesia for oily skin

Magnesium milk helps with oily skin

One of the most interesting properties of milk of magnesia is that it has a mattifying effect. This helps the shine of your skin by counteracting oiliness. It will also not affect the pH value of your skin. It can also help remove impurities and prevent blackheads or skin spots.

How do you use it?

  • First soak a cotton pad in magnesium milk.
  • Then apply this to your T-zone (forehead, cheeks and chin). This is where oiliness piles up.
  • Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • Repeat this twice a day.

2. To treat mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are painful sores that can cause pain for days. Therefore, apply a little magnesium milk to your mouth surface. This can speed up healing. Milk of magnesia provides protection to the affected part. It can prevent infections and worse problems.

How do you use it?

  • First soak a cotton swab in magnesium milk. Then apply this to the ulcer.
  • Then let it soak in without rinsing.
  • Finally, repeat it three times a day.

3. To soothe sunburn

Apply magnesium milk to sunburn

The nutrients in milk of magnesia can help speed up your skin’s cell regeneration. This shortens the recovery time after your skin has been burned by the sun.

Apply directly to affected skin for a soothing effect and to reduce skin irritation. At the same time, it will hydrate your tissues and help prevent the appearance of spots or wrinkles.

How do you use it?

  • First apply a small amount of milk of magnesia to the burned skin.
  • Then let it dry for about 20 minutes. Then rinse it off with cold water.
  • Repeat this every day until you notice improvement.

4. To neutralize body odor

Magnesium milk also helps with unpleasant body odors

Due to its composition, milk of magnesia can neutralize unpleasant body odors caused by sweat or bacteria. It is not as harsh on your skin as deodorant. You can also use it with sensitive skin or if you suffer from allergies.

How do you use it?

  • Soak a cotton pad in magnesium milk and apply it to your armpits or feet.
  • Let it soak in, but don’t rinse it off.
  • Then repeat this twice a day.

5. To fight acne

Milk of magnesia can help with acne

One of the properties of magnesium milk is to neutralize excess fat and bacteria. You can also use it to reduce acne.  Most interesting of all, it clears clogged pores and helps with skin inflammation. This can then prevent scarring.

How do you use it?

  • Soak a cotton swab in milk of magnesia and apply it to your problem areas.
  • Then leave it on overnight and rinse with water the next morning.
  • Repeat this every day until your skin feels nice and smooth.

6. To heal abrasions

Milk of magnesia contains small amounts of vitamin C. This can help heal abrasions. Vitamin C increases collagen production and repairs affected cells.

How do you use it?

  • First cover the wound with a thin layer of magnesium milk.
  • Then let it air dry without rinsing.
  • Finally, repeat it twice a day.

Note: do not do this on open wounds.

7. To Soothe Dermatitis

In addition, it relieves the effects of dermatitis

Milk of magnesia helps to combat itching and redness caused by dermatitis. The nutrients present regulate the pH value of your skin and reduce skin irritation.

How do you use it?

  • First, soak a cotton pad in milk of magnesia and apply it to the affected area.
  • Then let it dry without rinsing.
  • Also repeat this twice a day.

Do you already have milk or magnesia at home?  Have you only used it as an antacid until now? Now you know some alternative ways to use magnesium milk. Use it to your advantage!

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