Medicinal Infusions For Natural Treatment Of Diabetes

Read this article and get to know the seven best medicinal infusions for natural diabetes treatment. You will discover the effects of stevia, cinnamon and avocado leaves, among other things. 
Medicinal infusions for a natural treatment of diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that needs to be controlled as soon as possible. This is important to avoid serious health consequences. So follow the appropriate medical treatment. But in addition, certain plants can also help you because they are a natural treatment for diabetes. In addition, they have no harmful side effects. You can alternate between these deductions. But you can also combine them and take advantage of everything they have to offer.

The risks of high blood sugar

High blood sugar doesn’t just lead to diabetes. It is also linked to conditions such as obesity and insulin resistance. The latter condition is very serious but also widespread.

These diseases damage our health. They also predispose us to cardiovascular ailments. You can drink the infusions we discuss in this article. But you also have to watch what you eat.

  • Avoid sugars, refined flours and fruits that cause glucose spikes.
  • It is best that you have a good nutritionist to guide you through your diet.

Infusions for a natural treatment of diabetes

1. Stevia

Stevia, a natural treatment for diabetes

First, we have stevia. This medicinal plant originates from Paraguay. It is known for its ability to help with diabetes. Stevia has a sweet taste. So we can use it in all kinds of sweets, desserts and drinks as a substitute for sugar. If we eat it regularly, stevia alone or in combination with other remedies, we will see the following benefits:

  • Healthier teeth and gums.
  • A more alkaline body.
  • Better digestion.
  • Less moisture buildup.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Less negative effects of free radicals that cause aging.
  • A stronger immune system.

2. Cinnamon

Next, we introduce you to cinnamon. This herb is remarkably good for your health. But remember we want the Ceylon variant. Because that is the type of cinnamon with the most medicinal power. You can use it to flavor all kinds of dishes. These can be sweet (cookies, cakes, smoothies) or salty (stews, roasts) dishes. Cinnamon also has many other benefits:

  • It improves digestion and reduces flatulence.
  • Cinnamon is also a natural antibiotic.
  • It reduces bad breath.
  • This spice also has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It improves respiratory problems.
  • Cinnamon is an aphrodisiac.

3. Wormwood, a natural treatment for diabetes

Natural diabetes treatment from absinthe

Wormwood or absinthe is a very bitter medicinal plant. But it is popular for its detoxifying effect and its ability to improve liver function. In ancient times, people drank wormwood when they had lead poisoning.

Wormwood infusion is an excellent way to treat diabetes naturally. Because it causes a rapid drop in blood sugar. In addition, it can also be a possible aid if you have eaten too much sugar.

But you should definitely remember this recommendation: drink wormwood in small amounts and do not use it for long periods.

4. Avocado Leaves

Avocado is not just a superfood. But the leaves possess all kinds of medicinal properties. Avocado leaves are an excellent remedy for treating diabetes. But it also helps with other ailments.

  • High blood pressure
  • Cough
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Gastric acid
  • intestinal parasites
  • kidney stones

5. Artichokes

Natural treatment of diabetes with artichoke

Both the artichoke and its leaves are two excellent remedies to stabilize blood sugar levels. That’s because they contain inulin. This component is a type of fiber that supports the conversion of sugar into energy. You can drink an infusion made from the leaves. Or you can make a stock with the pulp of the artichoke.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is an ancient drink that has many medicinal properties. In fact, everyone should drink it every day.

  • Thanks to the polyphenols in green tea, this drink helps to convert sugar. It also supports the proper functioning of the pancreas.
  • But to take advantage of this property, you should not drink it with meals. Drink it at least one hour after eating.

7. Oat water

Natural treatment of diabetes with oat water

Finally, we have oat water. We make this decoction with oatmeal. It is slightly different from the previous deductions. But this medicinal recipe will help you lower blood sugar and cholesterol. In fact, it can even help you lose weight safely.

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