Maca Root In Menopausal Symptoms

Maca acts as an adaptogen, helping to lower hormone levels. Its effect on hormones makes it popular as far as women’s health is concerned. In addition, it also reduces the risk of memory loss and osteoporosis, making it healthy for all people who use it, not just women.
Maca root for menopause symptoms

Until recently, not many people knew about maca root. However, it has become very common for women’s health as maca root offers several benefits in pre-menopausal and menopausal symptoms. Thanks to these benefits, maca has found its way into many diets.

In addition, maca root also has other positive effects that work for both men and women, regardless of their age.

What is maca root?

Maca is originally from Peru. It grows naturally in the Andes. It is used in various fields of natural medicine. As a result, maca has become a natural medicine solution for a wide range of problems.

The plant contains vitamins from the B group, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and fiber. In addition, it possesses powerful endocrine regulators as it aids in the treatment of various hormonal disorders that women may experience.

But there’s more: maca, for example, can also be useful for athletes because it helps improve athletic performance and provides energy. In addition, the plant also contains other components that provide good nutritional value.

How can you consume maca root?

You can consume this root in two ways: as a powder or in pill form. Regardless of your preference, both methods offer the same number of benefits. However, the dose must be appropriate for the problems to be treated.

Powdered maca root is more recommended as you can control the doses more precisely. Users should start with a small dose and then let their bodies get used to the energy it provides.

5 Remedies With Maca Root That Help With Menopause Symptoms

The doses vary according to the age, health and characteristics of the user.

1. Shakes

Maca contains a concentration of nutrients and phytochemicals, making it ideal for shakes or smoothies. Some people also add fruit for a tasty result.


  • 1 tablespoon maca root powder (15 gr.)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 2/3 cup fruit of your choice (100 gr.)


  • First, dissolve the powder in cold water.
  • Puree the fruit and add it, if you decide to use fruit.
  • relax.

2. Tea

Tea with maca root for menopause symptoms

Teas with a high maca content help in the relief of adrenal fatigue and extreme fatigue. In addition, it can also help increase energy levels in women, especially those who suffer from severe symptoms associated with menopause.


  • 3 tablespoons diced maca root (45 gr.)
  • 1/2 cup water (125 ml)


  • First heat the water and add the pieces of maca root.
  • Then cook it on medium heat for 20 minutes.
  • Then pour it into a cup and sweeten it to taste.

3. Snack with maca root for menopausal symptoms

In the shop you can find chocolate products with maca that have all the benefits of the original maca root, but with special flavors. This ingredient can be a great non-traditional remedy. We therefore recommend adding it to cookies with whipped cream.


  • 1/2 cup whipping cream (125 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons chocolate maca root powder (45 gr.)
  • Biscuits (number of your choice)


  • First stir the maca root powder into the whipped cream.
  • When the whipped cream is completely chocolate colored, you can spoon it on top of the cookies.
  • Only eat this snack once a week.

4. Soups

Thanks to the vitamin compounds it contains, maca is also a great ingredient for soups. Soups can be much more nutritious if you add maca root in them and can help with menopausal symptoms.

Choose the vegetables you like and add the maca root for an even more nutritious recipe.


  • 1 kilo of vegetables of your choice
  • Water, enough to cover the vegetables
  • Herbs by preference
  • 1 tablespoon maca root powder (15 gr.)


  • Prepare the vegetable soup and season it with herbs.
  • After seasoning, also add the maca powder.
  • Finally, stir well to ensure that the flavor blends throughout the soup.
  • Enjoy your meal!

5. Maca Root Drinks For Menopause Symptoms

For quick fixes, you can add the maca powder to any drink, even water. Adding the powder increases the content of fatty acids and minerals in the body. The most popular maca drink is carrot juice.


  • 1/2 cup carrots (70 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 1/2 spoons of maca root (22 gr.)
  • Sugar (to taste)


  • First mix the carrots with the water and add sugar to taste.
  • Keep mixing and then add the maca powder.
  • Then pour it into a glass.
  • Then try  to drink the juice twice a day.

Maca root acts as an adaptogen, helping to lower hormone levels. Its effect on the hormones is what makes it so popular for women’s health. In addition, it also reduces the risk of memory loss and osteoporosis, making it healthy for all consumers, not just women.

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