Lower Your Cholesterol With Medicinal Plants

Has your doctor ever told you that you have high cholesterol? Or did he or she say that you have too many fats in your blood and that this can be dangerous, as they build up in your arteries?
Lower your cholesterol with medicinal plants

Everyone should take measures to regain a good balance of cholesterol in our body. But how can we achieve this now? How do you lower your cholesterol? Believe it or not, there are many medicinal plants that can help you with this.

In this article, we take a look at some of the best medicinal plants that can help lower your cholesterol naturally.

Lower your cholesterol with plants

Lower your cholesterol with plants

First we have to make it clear that our body needs cholesterol to perform many essential tasks, such as making new cells and hormones, which have to perform countless functions in our body. But then what’s the problem?

Thanks to some bad daily habits, we allow cholesterol to build up. And too much cholesterol in our bodies means the liver won’t be able to process it all.

Some people, despite a healthy diet and lifestyle, still have elevated cholesterol levels in their blood. This means that the body itself takes care of this excess cholesterol, which will require medication.

We recommend that you always think carefully about your diet, exercise regularly and follow the advice of your doctor. Add the following herbal teas to your diet  and we assure you that they will help you one way or another.

1. Dandelion Tea

Lower your cholesterol with plant dandelion tea

This plant is very easily available and works wonders for your digestive system, but also reduces the concentration of cholesterol in your blood. Want to know how it does this?

Dandelions can help regulate your metabolism and will control the amount of fat present. You can drink it twice a day – once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Just add a teaspoon of dandelion to a cup of boiling water and drink it after breakfast and lunch.

2. Birdseed Tea

Lower your cholesterol with plant bird seed tea

Have you ever heard of birdseed tea? It is a wonderful remedy for high cholesterol and is also said to help control weight. Specialists claim that this is one of the most effective, accessible and powerful ways to help lower cholesterol .

It deposits directly on fats in the blood, making them easier to eliminate. Do you want to know how to make this tea?

It’s very easy: just buy bird seed that is suitable for human consumption and add a tablespoon of it to a cup of boiling water. Leave on for 10 minutes and drink it twice a day without straining. You will love it!

3. Green tea with garlic

Surprised? Of course you are! However, keep in mind the medicinal properties of garlic, a powerful agent that can help dilate your vessels. This can improve blood circulation .

In addition to this effect on blood pressure, it also has diuretic properties and combined with green tea this works just perfectly.

To make this, simply boil two raw crushed garlic cloves in a cup of green tea for 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let it sit for another 5 minutes, before draining and adding the juice of half a lime. And when should you drink this now? Easy: between meals and before going to sleep.

4. Milk Thistle

Lower your cholesterol with plants milk thistle

This is without a doubt a classic. The plant is very good for your liver and it could also regulate the presence of cholesterol. The plant eliminates fats and lipids and helps the body maintain a healthy metabolism.

This ally could be what you were missing to lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. You can find tablets or ready-to-use herbal teas in sachets for immediate use in health food stores.

Drink it twice a day after your main meals. Keep in mind that you won’t see any results if you don’t consume it regularly.

5. The latest trend: orange peel

Lower your cholesterol with plant orange peel

We know that oranges are not plants, they are fruits. However, we should also mention this simple remedy here.

According to a study done at several American universities, the peel of oranges contains flavonoids, which are very capable of fighting cholesterol (the peel even contains up to 20% more flavonoids than the juice).

You just have to try it. Take about one and a half tablespoons of zest of the orange zest and boil it in a cup of water. Then add a teaspoon of honey to it. The taste is fantastic and the results astonishing.

Drink this tea with orange zest twice a day after your main meals. Don’t hesitate any longer and try this out!

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