Leading By Example: The Best Way Of Parenting

Remember that children are like sponges. They absorb and copy everything they see. Watch your own words and actions if you want to raise them the right way. 
Leading by example: the best way of parenting

How many times has it happened to you that you want your children to do something a certain way, but you don’t want to do it that way yourself? You have to lead by example yourself, otherwise your lessons will probably lead nowhere.

This is the result of something that happens in all families: children pay attention to everything their parents do. That is why it is very important to set a good example yourself. That way you can avoid quarrels, confrontations and problems.

useless words

Woman Listens to Music

Saying something is easy. “Don’t put your feet on the table” or “put your clothes in the laundry basket and don’t throw them on the floor.” But setting a good example is more difficult.

If a parent puts their feet on the table, the child will not understand why they are told not to do so, while the parent does it themselves. At such a moment , the child wants to rebel and do the same as the parent.

The result is heated discussions or even tantrums.

For example, if a child points the finger of blame at his parents: “Why can’t I put my feet on the table and you can?” the parent will respond with the famous, “Because I say so!” Do you really think this will work?

It’s a rather unfair sentence that doesn’t really make any sense. It is also definitely not going to give the desired results when your child is trying to parent.

Without realizing it, you may be the one causing quarrels in your house that can be easily prevented. But sometimes the responsibilities and worries that weigh on your shoulders make it hard to see how simple some things are.

Who will bear the brunt of being angry with your boss or frustrated with your spouse? The anger will come out somehow. With whom? The youngest in your family, the one who didn’t deserve it. Don’t let this happen!

Inconsistency: the time bomb of adolescence

Crying Child

Children may begin to rebel against inconsistency in the family environment from their early years. However, this gets a lot worse in puberty. Then their patience is indispensable and the sentence “because I say so” does not fit well.

You cannot expect others to do what you yourself fail to do. The best way to raise your child is to lead by example. Not by giving them commands and commands because you are the parent.

Parents are people. And so are children. Sure, parents have authority, but they must learn to use it properly.

Don’t you consider setting a good example a priority? Then you will lose authority. You’ll try to get it back by raising your voice, making threats, and creating fights that will shake your entire house.

During puberty, your children need stability. Like understanding and lots of love. They don’t need yelling and useless words.

Leading by example does not mean that you are equal to your children

Sad Teen

If a parent gets angry, yells and argues with their child as if they were the same age, all authority is lost.

Leading by example means not allowing your actions to be guided by feelings that force you to take the easiest path. So, raise your voice, command and say, “Because I’m your parent and you have to do what I say.”

Putting yourself on the same level as your children only makes the situation worse. But to prevent this, you will have to set a good example yourself.

You will probably all have responsibilities. Money problems, worries about your children’s future, etc. But never forget to show them how much you love them.

What if they are confronted day in and day out with useless yelling and arguing? Where is the love then? And where is the understanding?

Mother and child

If you work to become a better person and to learn from your mistakes, you are on the right track. Try to become the best version of yourself. Your children will naturally follow your good example. 

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