Jin Shin Jyutsu: Reload Your Body

Setting aside just 15 minutes a day to massage your fingers can provide tremendous benefits. It is important to pay particular attention to the fingers that are attached to the body parts that are bothering you.
Jin Shin Jyutsu: Recharge Your Body

In recent years, multiple traditional Japanese therapies  such as jin shin jyutsu have become known around the world as good solutions for various ailments.

While many illnesses do require medical attention and treatment, these alternatives can provide relief for some conditions.

The goal is often to ensure physical and mental balance. In addition, these alternative methods such as jin shin jyutsu are used to optimize the interaction between these two dimensions. Thus, these therapies can help you energize your body and manage stress-related symptoms.

Some of these forms of alternative medicine are Jin Shin Jyutsu or the ‘Art of the Creator by Man with Understanding and Compassion’  . Jin Shin Jyutsu was developed in 1900 by Jiro Murai. His goal was to bring the soul and the body back into balance through the hands.

These therapies are based on the idea that everything that exists carries within it an essential energy that represents its life force. This energy flows through your body on different levels. When the body finally reaches a harmonious state, the energy can flow freely and unimpeded.

What is the Jin Shin Jyutsy Therapy?

Hands Massaging

This therapy is based on the assumption that there are three important energy pathways in the body :

  • The central orbit flows in a large oval shape from the face, towards the chest, along the abdomen, the hips and finally along the spine back up to the head.
  • The other two jobs start in the knees and are sort of supervisory jobs.
    • The left energy pathway is responsible for controlling all bodily functions on that side of the body. This energy pathway is connected to the past, logic and your genes.
    • The right energy channel controls the bodily functions on that side of the body. This energy path is connected to the present, the intuition and rebirth.
  • Finally, there are diagonal currents that harmonize the two supervisory orbits and put your energy system in order.

The main goal of this method is to balance your physical and emotional state of mind and to develop peace with yourself and the universe.

How does this alternative therapy work?

Jin Shin Jyutsu Therapy

In Jin Shin Jyutsu the aim is to direct all the energy that is distributed through the body in the right way. The therapy is based on the assumption that every spot on your hand is connected to one or more bodily organs, as well as your emotions. This means that through this technique you can improve your physical health and your emotional state of mind.

How do you apply this technique?

As we mentioned above, each part of your hand is connected to a particular organ in your body. To perform this therapy, you are supposed to gently wrap one finger around the part you want to heal.

First, sit down with your hands crossed and hold your hands under your arms with your thumbs pointing forward. Once you are in this position, take one very deep breath, feeling the air flowing through your body from your skull to your thumbs. Then repeat, but then feel the air slide down your spine.

After you complete this exercise, you are supposed to massage each of your fingers for three minutes. Massage your left hand in the morning and then your right hand in the evening. However, before massaging one of your fingers, think about what you are doing and the order in which you should do it.

Massage of the Hands

The thumb

The thumb is connected to your arms and your stomach. When you experience pain in both parts of your body, you may experience emotions such as depression and nervousness. The symptoms include nervousness, abdominal pain and headache.

the index finger

This finger is connected to your kidneys and bladder, as well as to emotions such as confusion and fear. Symptoms caused by this are digestive disorders, back pain and toothache.

the middle finger

Your middle finger is connected to your liver and anger. You may have migraines, vision problems, or fatigue.

the ring finger

This finger is connected to your colon and lungs, as well as feelings of depression and pessimism. You may experience symptoms such as indigestion, asthma, and difficulty breathing.

The pinky

The little finger is linked to the health of your heart and small intestine. This finger can also be associated with the attitude of pretending to be different from what you really are.

By applying this therapy you can improve your concentration and bring the energy levels in your body in order to relieve various forms of discomfort.

You only need fifteen minutes a day to notice the benefits.

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