Is It Healthy To Eat Fruit For Breakfast?

Fruit for breakfast: is it healthy or not? Opinions are divided. While some people think it is not good for you, others think that consuming fruit every day on an empty stomach is very beneficial to your health.
Is it healthy to eat fruit for breakfast?

Eating fruit for breakfast is an ideal way to start your day. That’s because your digestive system doesn’t have to work very hard to digest it. It also provides several benefits to your body throughout the day. After all, fruit is seen as the only food that is able to make your brain work faster. And, of course, your brain affects all your other organs!

Fruit also provides the most important elements for a well-functioning system. Fructose is the main component in fruit apart from water, which generally has a 95% content.

Many people don’t know when to eat the right fruit to get the most of its benefits. The best time to eat fruit is with breakfast or on an empty stomach.

So why is fruit so good for breakfast?

fruit cancer

The reason fruit for breakfast is so healthy is purely organic. When your digestion only starts to work, it is not your stomach, but your small intestine that digests the fruit. And in that gut is exactly where the sugars go into the blood.

Combining fruit with starch, potatoes or meat is therefore not a good idea. Because then the fruit does not go straight to your intestines. It will start to ferment instead!

And what if I get sick from fruit?

Do you eat a lot of fruit, but do you have a bad taste in your mouth afterwards? Do you feel bloated and with a heavy stomach? Then you probably already had a full stomach. When in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor.

We recommend avoiding bottled juice for breakfast. This also applies to juice in cans or juice in glass jars. After all, they are heated during their production process, which makes the original juice too acidic. This juice also contains many preservatives.

pear heart


An effective diet with fruits

Fruit for breakfast not only makes your diet less heavy, but it also offers well-known natural properties:

  • Helps protect against heart disease.
  • Strengthens capillaries, especially weak veins, which constantly provoke heart attacks or internal bleeding.
  • Due to its bioflavonoid content, fruit prevents blood from thickening, which can cause clogged arteries.

Read more: Fruits That Make You Younger.

If you’re used to getting out of bed and eating a lot for breakfast, never giving up your bread with butter and coffee, then you’re definitely off to a bad start.

You fill your stomach with food that is not digested until the end of the day. Therefore, you should consider eating foods that are easily absorbed and cleanse your body, such as fruits.

Whenever possible, try to eat only fresh fruits and juices as soon as you wake up or until the middle of the day. The longer you do this, the more chance you give your body to cleanse itself faster.

Other recommendations

cleansing juices

If you are going to eat fruits and juices, always try to make sure they are not very cold or icy. That solidifies the components and slows down digestion.

You should start by drinking a warm cup of tea after your meals or a little warm water if you prefer. This warm temperature softens fats so they can be eliminated faster and aids digestion.

Never forget that eating fruit alone is not enough! You have to take care of yourself and enjoy it.

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