Indigestion And Emotional Problems

If you find that your emotional problems have turned into digestive problems, look for ways and solutions to keep your digestive problems from getting worse.
Poor Digestion and Emotional Problems

When we suffer from problems associated with poor digestion, such as heartburn, reflux, gas, bloating or constipation, the first thing we look at is our diet.

Our diet can be associated with a majority of health problems and especially digestive problems.

However, it is important to know that our emotions can sometimes also be the cause of these imbalances.

In this article we therefore explain the connection between the digestive system and emotional problems. In addition, we share  some simple tips that can help you improve your digestion and quality of life.

A vicious circle


Our brains are connected to our digestive system. The two communicate with each other and the well-being of one depends on the well-being of the other.

Thus, if the digestive system receives a negative nerve impulse, it will also negatively affect digestion, and when our food is not properly digested, it affects our mood at the same time.

This may all seem very complicated, but the solution is quite simple: a positive mental state promotes digestion and good digestion contributes to a balanced mental state.

What emotions affect our body?

In addition to stress, these emotions also easily affect our digestive system:

  • Fear
  • sadness
  • Arousal
  • Anger or rage

Not everyone who suffers from these intense emotions will also suffer from poor digestion. However, those who do should be aware of this in order to be able to treat the imbalance.

This is especially true if they have already made changes to their diet, but the digestive problems have not yet been resolved.

Frequent Digestive Problems

The most common digestive problems that have a psychosomatic cause or factor are:

  • Hernia hiatus
  • Indigestion
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Colitis
  • Gastritis
  • stomach ulcers

Tips against bad digestion

Yoga position

Have you noticed that your body has a predisposition to communicate emotional problems through digestive problems?

Then, in addition to trying natural remedies with your doctor’s approval, look for a few tricks that can help ease digestive problems.

It is important that you adhere to the following basic requirements when you eat:

  • Eat alone or with a good friend.
  • Do not talk about unpleasant or very important topics while eating,
  • Try not to eat in places where you don’t feel relaxed, such as your workplace or other places.
  • Don’t force yourself to eat if you’re not relaxed. It is better to wait a while.
  • Do not eat in a hurry, standing or doing other things. 

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