Hydrate Your Skin With These 4 Simple Tips

It is essential to cleanse your face so that your skin can renew itself while you rest. Even if you don’t wear makeup during the day, you should remove any impurities before going to bed.
Hydrate your skin with these 4 simple tips

Hydrating your skin is one of the most important challenges you can face. Being exposed to extreme variations in weather and climate without taking the necessary precautions can wreak havoc on your skin.

The risks you can experience if you neglect your skin care are:

  • Dry skin
  • The appearance of pimples and blackheads
  • Changes in appearance, such as premature aging
  • dullness

A change in your daily routine to provide your skin with special care will give it the hydration it needs and deserves.

Hydrating your skin in an ideal way, however, is not achieved by just applying creams or other natural ingredients.

You can also hydrate your skin in the long term by consuming foods and drinks that contain the nutrients and vitamins that the skin needs.

Hydrate your skin with 4 simple tips

You can recognize well-hydrated skin from a distance. The glow and fresh appearance make you younger and more beautiful.

Therefore, it is a good idea to protect yourself from the changes in the weather, pollutants from your environment and other external factors.

1. Optimal Hydration

Radiating skin

Regularly using perfumed soaps with astringent components will not be beneficial for most people.

  • Choose a soap with an acidity level that suits your skin type. If you have oily skin , you should avoid soaps and products that contain a lot of oil, as they can clog your pores.

However, if you have dry skin, you should use products that contain vitamin E, oils, and aloe vera where possible.

  • If you have acne-prone skin, try to find a gel-based product.

Remember, you  need to moisturize from the inside out to keep your skin properly hydrated.

Drink two liters of water a day and incorporate natural juices into it to help eliminate toxins from your body.

2. Use sunscreen

Use sunscreen

Hydrating and protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun is very important. UV rays can directly cause premature aging.

  • Avoid the sun as much as possible during the hours when the sun’s intensity is highest.
  • Apply sunscreen every day, even if it’s cloudy outside. This mainly applies to your facial skin.

It’s also a good idea to eat carrots and broccoli regularly. These products contain nutrients and vitamins A, C and E, which serve to protect the skin when it is exposed to the sun.

3. Deep Cleanse & Exfoliate

One of the skin’s most important properties is its ability to renew itself daily. Exfoliating your body twice a week will make your skin look softer and more radiant.

You can buy special, commercial products to remove dead skin cells. However, you can also make an exfoliant at home.


  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 1/2 glass of water (125 milliliters)


  • Put the sugar in a bowl.
  • Slowly add the water and mix until you have an even consistency.
  • Ideally, you would want it to have the texture of sugar granules without being too thick.
  • Apply the mixture to your face and body during your shower.

It is also very important that you remove all traces of makeup before going to sleep. Also, trying to avoid makeup once or twice a week will allow your pores to breathe and oxygenate.

Even if you didn’t put on any makeup that day, it’s a good idea to wash your face thoroughly before going to bed. This way you remove dust and dirt from the environment.

4. Get lots of rest


The antioxidants at work in your body reach their maximum effects while you are sleeping.

Harmful substances that have built up in your organs during the day must be eliminated in order for your body to function optimally.

If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to effectively get rid of these toxins. This can cause your skin to look dull and wrinkle prematurely.

When you suffer from insomnia, drink natural teas that help you relax.

It’s also a good idea to eat dark chocolate, which provides you with antioxidants that protect your skin and help you fall asleep.

You can also add a little nap to your daily routine. This will help you make up for the sleep you didn’t get at night.

Don’t smoke, reduce your alcohol intake and adopt healthy eating habits – these are fundamental habits that will keep your body healthy.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that provide your body with vitamins and antioxidants, making it look fresher and more radiant.

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