How To Remove Your Earwax In 6 Easy And Safe Ways

The solutions we propose in this article will have to be applied somewhat regularly depending on the remedy you choose to use. But all of these alternatives are much safer to remove earwax than cotton swabs.
Remove your earwax in 6 easy and safe ways

Earwax builds up in the ears. It is a natural lubricant produced by the glands in the ear canal. But what is its function and how can you remove earwax?

The main purpose of this earwax is to protect this zone against micro-organisms and external substances. In this way, it prevents those substances from entering the inner part of the ear.

It has a texture similar to a gel. But it is composed of fats and dead cells responsible for keeping infectious microorganisms at bay.

But although this grease has a protective function, it is often best to clean the ears regularly. Because excessive earwax can block the ears. This causes symptoms such as ringing in the ears and impaired hearing.

However, it is important that you know how to do this. Because the use of cotton swabs or similar substances can have several negative consequences.

Fortunately, there are several natural solutions. You don’t have to put in too much effort and they help you to remove the earwax in a safe way.

Ready to get to know these remedies?

6 options to remove earwax

1. Hydrogen Peroxide

Reduce your earwax with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is also known as oxygenated water. It is a natural product that can remove your earwax. In addition, it will not affect the ear canal.

Oxygenated water contains antiseptic ingredients. They reduce the presence of bacteria. At the same time, the liquid allows the excess grease to drain.

How do you use this medicine?

  • Mix equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide with water. Use a pipette and put two to three drops in each ear.
  • Tilt the head to the side to allow the fluid to enter the ear. Then wait three minutes. Then tilt the head to the other side to remove the grease.
  • Apply this remedy every two weeks.

2. Glycerin

Glycerin is one of the things that are often used in this case. Because it helps to tackle problems caused by a build-up of earwax.

This ingredient makes the earwax softer. So it ensures that you can remove it in just a few minutes.

In addition, glycerin cleanses the ear. It also helps to prevent infections and tinnitus.

How do you use this medicine?

  • Put a few drops of glycerin in the ear. Then tilt your head and stay in that position for three minutes.
  • When those three minutes are up, clean the ear and you can remove your earwax. Then repeat with the other ear.
  • Do this once a week.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is known to possess antibacterial properties and act as a lubricant. So it is an ideal ingredient to remove earwax.

Coconut oil unclogs the ear canal. Because it helps remove excess earwax without leaving this area unprotected.

How do you use coconut oil to remove earwax?

  • Warm up a little coconut oil. Once it’s warm, put a few drops in each ear.
  • Then leave it on for three to five minutes. Then you let it run away.
  • Do this every two weeks.

4. Apple cider vinegar

You can also use apple cider vinegar to clean the ears. It helps to remove accumulated earwax. In addition, it regulates the acidity in the ears. This ensures that infections are prevented.

Apple cider vinegar contains natural acids that fight microorganisms. They also reduce inflammation.

How do you use this medicine?

  • Mix a little organic apple cider vinegar with warm water. Use a pipette to drop some of this mixture into your ear.
  • Then tilt your head and let it act for three minutes.
  • Then you can remove the residue along with your earwax. Repeat this every month.

5. Almond Oil

Almond oil contains fatty acids. They are ideal for softening earwax.

Since this oil contains a lot of vitamin E, it lubricates this part of the ear. In addition, it will relieve the irritation and itchy feeling.

How do you use this medicine?

  • Warm up a little bit of almond oil. First check that the temperature is not too hot. Then apply two to three drops in each ear.
  • Tilt the head so that the oil reaches the inside of the ear. Then let it act for three minutes.
  • Then remove the earwax and clean the skin around the ear.
  • Use this remedy every two or three weeks.

6. Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is yet another solution to this problem. Because it helps to remove the earwax and does not pose a risk to the health of your ears.

This oil contains fatty acids and vitamin E. These two nutrients help to lubricate this area and protect it from infection.

How do you use this medicine?

  • Warm up a little olive oil. When it is warm, put some of the oil in a pipette.
  • Apply three drops in each ear. Then leave it on for two or three minutes while tilting your head to the side.
  • Then you can remove your earwax. Repeat this once a week.

As you can see, there are a number of safe solutions available to remove earwax. In addition, they are easy to use.

Is there one of the remedies that interests you? Make your choice and clean your ears without endangering your health.

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