How To Get Rid Of An Ingrown Toenail

It is very important to properly treat ingrown toenails so that they do not lead to a more serious problem. There are a few home remedies for ingrown toenails that can help speed up the healing process.
How to get rid of an ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail is the most common term used to refer to a common nail condition. This problem is often very painful and unpleasant and is most common on the nail of the big toe, causing swelling and, in most cases, infection.

It is important to properly treat an ingrown toenail so that it does not develop into a more serious problem.

That’s why we’ve put together the following article, which discusses the entire treatment process for ingrown nails, as well as some tips to help relieve the pain caused by this problem.

Step-by-step plan to treat an ingrown toenail

  • First , take a large container in which you can soak your feet in warm water for about 15 or 20 minutes . This part of the treatment focuses on relieving pain and preventing possible infections in the affected area. You can use a little anti-bacterial soap for better results.
  • After about 20 minutes, dry your feet and slide a piece of dental floss under the nail. You must repeat this treatment regularly. Make sure to change the floss every day to allow the nail to grow above the skin.
  • Cut your nails with a straight nail clipper and file them into a square shape. Do not try to cut your nails in a round shape, as this increases the risk of ingrown toenails.
  • Use an antibiotic on the nail  for immediate pain relief. You can get gels, creams and ointments at the drugstore.
  • While treating an ingrown toenail, try to wear open shoes that don’t chafe or rub against the affected area to prevent further damage. Avoid wearing tights or closed shoes.

Homemade Remedies for Relieving an Ingrown Toenail

Sliced ​​onions against ingrown toenails

In addition to the previous steps for healing an ingrown toenail, you may also want to consider trying the following home remedies to speed up the healing process.

onion juice

Squeeze the juice from an onion and apply it directly to the ingrown toenail. Allow the juice to dry on the nail and repeat this treatment regularly for best results.

Salt water

Prepare a salt water solution and apply it to the affected area every night before going to sleep. Wrap gauze or a cloth around your toe after applying this remedy and let it sit until the next day.


Rub a lemon slice directly on the affected area and use a bandage or gauze to hold it against the nail for a few hours.


Garlic is known as a very powerful natural antibiotic, which can help fight infections (in this case the infection under the nail) and reduce the swelling caused by an ingrown toenail.

Crush a little garlic and apply it on the affected area.

tea tree oil

This essential oil acts as a natural antibiotic, which can help fight infection. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected area.


Wash and mash a carrot until it forms a paste, then apply it directly to the affected area. Cover with a cloth or gauze and leave it on for a few hours.

Repeat this remedy twice a day.

Other recommendations

Ingrown toenail
  • If the pain is unbearable, you should ask a doctor to prescribe a pain reliever.
  • If you suffer from diabetes, a doctor should be consulted for any treatment of an ingrown toenail.
  • Try to walk barefoot when you are at home. This gives the nail sufficient air circulation, which makes it less likely for bacteria to multiply in the affected area.
  • Try to avoid high heels or any kind of uncomfortable shoes.  Looking great in an elegant pair of shoes won’t do you any good if it means you’ll be in intense pain when you get home. You should never stuff your feet into tight, painful shoes.
  • Remember that nail hygiene is critical to preventing ingrown toenails. It is important to regularly check the condition of your nails, to clean them properly and to trim them correctly.

Follow the tips mentioned above to avoid problems.

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