How Do You Continue Alone After A Breakup?

Although it was difficult for me at first, I forget you a little more with each passing day. I focus on myself and my well-being, because life goes on.
How do you go on alone after a breakup?

“The first days after a breakup like ours were hell. This is the time when you can only move on. I kept thinking about the bad, just as much as I thought about the good. But now that time is over. I sometimes forget you, without realizing it.”

When we break off our relationship with someone, we experience a pain that can feel almost like hell. Obsessive thoughts, doubts, the desire to go back in time…

That’s all natural. Forgetting someone who was an essential part of our lives and with whom we have shared so many things is difficult.

However, when we least expect it, we are able to close this chapter and start our lives again.

I forget you, but sometimes I think of you

Grief after a breakup

“I often forget you, because after a breakup, I live my life just like before. This is because there is no “breakup depression” at work that can be considered serious.

I also keep waking up at the same time, even though sometimes I think it’s pointless. I eat, a little less, but I eat. However, the food doesn’t seem to have much flavor.

While I work I forget you, while I talk to my colleagues I forget you. But when I come home and my house is waiting, empty and cold, I sink into the abyss.

You were always there waiting for me, but now there is an eerie silence. When I go to bed, you are no longer there to hold me and keep me warm.”

A s we experienced a breakup, it changes what has been our routine for years. Despite the fact that change is good, we don’t feel like it.

It makes sense that we cannot forget this person who was so important to us overnight. But sooner or later we will.

That’s why it’s very important that we don’t cling to the idea that we can’t live without that person. Because yes, we can. And it should.

What do I do after a breakup?

Hand in hand

Breaking up with our partner makes us feel lost. Many places remind us and our minds are full of ‘maybe’, doubts and wishes to go back in time. However, it is time to learn how to move forward and move forward.

We may even feel responsible for the failure of the relationship. However, we must accept what has happened and live in the present. We cannot change the past.

So what should you do to handle the situation a little better?

Take care of yourself and spoil yourself a lot

Starting to eat badly, not exercising anymore and being led by laziness is not good for you at all. We put ourselves in a defeated mood that will not help us in any way.

We tend to destroy ourselves, as if we are not important.

  • Even if the food doesn’t taste good, we should try to eat better.
  • Going out and moving will help you to forget. It distracts us, helps us feel better and lets in a little happiness.

Use our friends and family as support

In addition to letting ourselves down, we usually isolate ourselves from those around us, as if we wanted to keep all the sadness we feel inside, rather than express it.

It can be very positive if we have some good friends who know us well and who force us to spend time with them. We don’t have to feel ashamed when we cry, talk about our feelings and are completely upset.

This is a very good thing and will set us free. Family and friends are a very important support. They can also allow our guilt and denial about what is happening to interrupt the natural grieving process.

Life doesn’t end with a breakup


It is also important that we reconsider certain beliefs about ‘the love of our life’, ‘our other half’ or ‘the life partner’.

Many people let life pass when the relationship is over because they think they will never find someone else, or because they think they were destined to be with that particular person.

This is anything but true. Talking about this with friends and family can give us an encouraging and real perspective.

A breakup is not an end, nor is it a shame. You’ve learned lessons, people come and go, relationships start and end.

There is always life after a breakup. 

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