How Do You Clean An Iron?

Residues of synthetic materials can accumulate on the sole of the iron, which can cause annoying stains on your clothes. To prevent accidents, it is important to know how to clean this.
How can you clean an iron?

If your iron sticks to your clothes during ironing, you should check whether there are residues left on the sole of the iron. Even though you may not think about it often, cleaning an iron is important to avoid these kinds of problems. That is, to a certain extent, still necessary.

Not taking good care of your iron will not only shorten its life. It can also lead to stains or damage to your clothes. To make matters worse, synthetic fabrics often remain on the soleplate. They can ruin your light-colored clothes.

How can you clean your iron at home? There are several ways to do that. Below are some of the most effective methods for you so you know what to do.

Cleaning your iron with 5 easy tricks

Of all household appliances, the iron is an item that many people forget to clean. Despite the fact that they are often used, people almost never take the time to check if it needs cleaning.

As a result, it will stick to your clothes a bit over time while ironing. In the worst case, you can even ruin your clothes. Did this ever happen to you? Then today is the time to learn how to clean an iron with the tips below.

1. Lemon juice and baking soda

Lemon juice and baking soda

By combining lemon juice with a little baking soda, you can make a powerful cleaner for an iron sole. Due to the acidic components, this cleaner removes dust residues and makes your iron shine again.


  • the juice of 2 squeezed lemons
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda (30 g)


  • Squeeze the lemons and mix the lemon juice with the baking soda in a bowl.

Way of use

  • Let the mixture bubble and rub the paste on the soleplate, which should be cool.
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes and then wipe it off with a wet cloth.
  • Clean your iron at least once a month.

2. Distilled water and white vinegar

Making a solution of distilled water and white vinegar can help remove the dark stains caused by clothing residue that has stuck to the soleplate. If you have any of these ingredients at home, try them on your iron.


  • ½ cup distilled water (125 ml)
  • ½ cup white vinegar (125 ml)


  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.

Way of use

  • Dip a clean cloth into the solution and rub it over your soleplate. It should be warm but not hot.
  • Clean your iron 2 or 3 times a week to keep the soleplate in good condition.

3. Coarse salt

coarse salt

Coarse salt is an alternative cleaning product that can help when clothes stick to your iron. The texture makes it possible to remove synthetic clothing and other residues from your soleplate.


  • 2 tablespoons coarse salt (30 g)
  • a newspaper


  • Spread out a newspaper and cover it with the tablespoons of salt.

Way of use

  • Heat your iron for a few minutes and iron the salt as if you were ironing a piece of clothing.
  • Repeat this process until the soleplate of the iron is shiny and spotless.
  • Then let the iron cool down completely and wipe it with a soft cloth.

4. Candle wax

Using candle wax to clean your iron can easily remove sticky substances that can spoil your clothes. Warm candle wax has a liquid texture that softens leftovers. Using it can make your iron nice and clean again.

Way of use

  • Turn your iron on for a few minutes to warm up.
  • Then rub a candle over the soleplate.
  • Let the candle wax sit for a few minutes until the iron has heated up.
  • Finally, wipe off the excess candle wax from the surface with a soft cloth or paper towel.
  • If stains are still visible, heat your iron again and run it over a sheet of parchment paper.

5. Toothpaste


Did you know that toothpaste can be used as an alternative to cleaning an iron? Thanks to the components it contains, it is ideal for removing burnt clothing residues or other materials left behind that could cause your soleplate to stick to your clothes.

Way of use

  • Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste from the tube and apply it to the cold sole of your iron.
  • Then take a clean cloth and polish your soleplate.
  • Then use the steam function for a few minutes and let your iron cool down.
  • Finally, rub the soleplate with the cloth again to remove all the toothpaste.

Do you know any other techniques for cleaning your iron? Then share them in the comment section.
If you still have not serviced your iron, choose one of the methods listed in our article and clean your iron so that it looks like new again.

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